One of the quickest ways to bring down the U.S. economy would be to dramatically increase the price of oil. Oil is the lifeblood of our economic system. Without it, our entire economy would come to a grinding halt. Almost every type of economic activity in this country depends on oil, and even a small rise in the price of oil can have a dramatic impact on economic growth. That is why so many economists are incredibly alarmed about what is happening in the Middle East right now. The revolution in Libya caused the price of WTI crude to soar more than 7 dollars on Tuesday alone. It closed at $93.57 on Tuesday and Brent crude actually hit $108.57 a barrel before settling back to $105.78 at the end of the day. Some analysts are warning that we could even see 5 dollar gas in the United States by the end of the year if rioting spreads to other oil producing nations such as Saudi Arabia. With the Middle East in such a state of chaos right now it is hard to know exactly what is going to happen, but almost everyone agrees that if oil prices continue to rise at a rapid pace over the next several months it is going to have a devastating impact on economic growth all over the globe...
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Economic Collapse Blog
From now on, whenever you hear the term "the global economy" you should immediately equate it with the destruction of the U.S. middle class. Over the past several decades, the American economy has been slowly but surely merged into the emerging one world economic system. Unfortunately for the middle class, much of the rest of the world does not have the same minimum wage laws and worker protections that we do. Therefore, the massive global corporations that now dominate our economy are able to pay workers in other countries slave labor wages and import the products that they make into the United States to compete with products made by "expensive" American workers. This has resulted in a mass exodus of manufacturing facilities and jobs from t

Labels: global economy, The Economic Collapse Blog
Rising Food Prices - 02/28/2011
Circumstances around the world conspire to up your bill
Delaware Online
Those demonstrations in Egypt and devastating floods in Australia are more than just faraway flashes of trouble on the news sites.
They are events that are being felt already, and will continue to cause distress, in a supermarket and restaurant near you.
Whipped along by wild weather, political strife and even the trendy shift toward biofuels, food prices are rising at a rate capable of causing global shock, and look increasingly likely to push even higher through this already tumultuous year... [Full Article]Attention, shoppers! Food prices are rising.
Rising world demand and supply shortages will push up food prices 2 to 4 percent this year, maybe more.
Christian Science Monitor
Even if you never set foot in a supermarket, track commodity prices, or buy wheat futures, you probably have noticed this trend: Food prices are going up.
Nan Braun knows. Since Thanksgiving, "I've been paying at least another $50 a month more for food for the family," says the Kokomo, Ind., resident. She's responded by purchasing some foods in bulk when they're on sale – and buying flour for making bread.
Susan Unger-Grossman of New York City has noticed a change. The price of the box of single-serving coffee packets she often buys hasn't changed, but the number of packets per box has dropped from 24 to 18. "That means if you'd buy three boxes of the coffee, you'd be losing the equivalent of a whole box," she points out.
These changes are early hints of a much broader increase in food prices that should come later this year. The rise in commodity food and energy prices will boost costs at the grocery store this year anywhere from 2 to 4 percent – or possibly even higher, analysts forecast. That's not unprecedented. A rise of 2 to 3 percent in consumer food prices would mark a return "toward the historical average" food inflation rate, according to the US Department of Agriculture. It just feels huge because last year, consumers' price of food inched up only 0.8 percent – the lowest food inflation rate since 1962, according to the USDA.
Some foods will go up in price more than others. Shoppers can expect a rise of 2.5 to 3.5 percent for beef and 4.5 to 5.5 percent for dairy products, the USDA forecasts. But nonalcoholic beverages will post price increases of only 1 to 2 percent... [Full Article]
With all the talk about $4 a gallon gas and the crisis in the Middle East, the specter of surging food prices has gotten pushed to the background.
That’s a mistake, considering that the struggle to put food on the table is what generated the riots in the first place. In the US we focus so much on gas because of the way higher transportation costs infect every sector of the economy, but rising grocery costs are a major threat as well.
Of course, we live in the land of no inflation.
Core cost of living is cruising along in the 1 to 2 percent range, according to government calculations, indicating that we have nothing to worry about when it comes to inflation concerns.
One can only imagine that the economists who project these assertions don’t have to eat.
By any measure imaginable, food prices are climbing and climbing fast and it’s not only in developing countries where income can’t keep up with the rise in the cost of goods.
Here in the US, food is putting a big bite on household budgets. More than 12 percent of after-tax income is now being spent on fuel and food, with more than half that number on the latter... [Full Article]
Labels: food prices
Record Jump in Gas Prices
Consumers Feeling the Pinch Try to Save Pennies at the Pump
ABC News
After the biggest one-week rise in oil prices in two years, weekly gas prices increased 6 percent according to the Department of Energy today. The national average is $3.38 per gallon, an increase of 19 cents over the previous week and 68 cents from the previous year. The average price in California is $3.72 per gallon, one of the most expensive gas states. With the least expensive gais is the Rocky Mountain region at $3.18 a gallon... [Full Article]
February ending with record gas prices
Sign On San Diego
We're paying $3.77 a gallon for regular in San Diego, the most we've ever paid in February and 30 cents more than we did three years ago, when regular topped out in June at $4.63.
"It’s irritating because you just don’t know how to budget," said Marie Montgomery, a spokeswoman for the Auto Club of Southern California. "It’s financially devastating to a lot of people."... [Full Article]
Labels: gas prices, oil
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OGDEN -- Attempting a police omniscience seen in only about 20 U.S. cities, the Ogden Police Department is gearing up for a "real time crime center" to be operational soon after its Crime Blimp launches.
The center hopes to eventually be linked with the thousands of private and government security cameras around town, including the city's own inventory of some 200 cameras.
Utah Department of Transportation and Utah Transit Authority are already on board to share their cameras with Ogden police in the video center planned for soon-to-be-remodeled offices in the department headquarters.
Officials are shooting for an April launch date for the blimp, under construction by Weber State University's Utah Center for Aeronautical Innovation and Design, which will feed video to a fledgling version of the RTCC. They hope the center is fully operational by July...[Full Article]
Labels: blimp, security cameras, Utah
NY Daily News

A Massachusetts engineering firm known for creating futuristic military robots has received multimillion dollar contracts to develop two more battlefield bots for the Department of Defense.
Boston Dynamics, which in 2008 unveiled a four-legged robot called BigDog, has been tapped by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the research and development arm of the DOD, to create a human-like robot and an agile, robotic Cheetah that developers said will eventually be able to run 70 mph.
The human-like bot, Atlas, will have two arms and legs, but no head, and be able to walk and jog upright, climb, squeeze through narrow alleyways and use its hands, Boston Dynamics said.
The Terminator-like droid would represent a step forward from Boston Dynamic's current anthropomorphic robot, known at PETMAN, which is used to test chemical weapons protection suits for the Army.
[Full Article]Labels: DARPA, Defense Department, Department of Defense, robotics, robots
Sunday, February 27, 2011
BELGRADE, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Croatian police clashed with about 15,000 anti-government protesters who rallied in Zagreb on Saturday, with 33 people injured and 58 protesters taken into custody, according to reports of the Croatian news agency HINA.
The protesters, among whom were masked members of the Bad Blue Boys group of football supporters, demanded protection of war veterans from prosecution. They clashed with the police in an attempt to reach St. Mark's Square, where the government is located.
The police were forced to use force as some protesters acted violently and tried to break police cordons, Zagreb police chief Tomislav Buterin was quoted as saying at a news conference, adding that 33 people were injured in the process, including journalists... [Full Article]
Video of thousands clashing with police in Croatia, dozens injured
Croatian police clashed with approximately 15-thousand anti-government protesters who rallied in the capital on Saturday, and state television reported that officers used tear gas to disperse the group. At least 25 people were injured. Dozens of mostly young demonstrators charged at a police cordon preventing them from reaching a central square in Zagreb where the government headquarters is located, Croatian television reported. The protesters threw stones and bricks at police, who responded with tear gas, the report said, adding that several people were injured and nearby windows were broken. Croatian broadcaster, RTL, also showed riot police striking anti-government protesters with their batons. Police set up metal fences to corral the crowd, the report added, describing the situation as "chaos." Croatian police said they detained 60 protesters and that 12 police and 13 citizens were injured.
Labels: Croatia, protest, video
Ralph Epperson Inteviewed by William Cooper on "Hour Of The Time" - August 1993
"Hour Of The Time" - Ralph Epperson interview - August 1993
Ralph Epperson / Hour Of The Time / August 10, 1993
Ralph Epperson / Hour Of The Time / August 11, 1993
Ralph Epperson / Hour Of The Time / August 12, 1993
Ralph Epperson / Hour Of The Time / August 13, 1993
Ralph Epperson / Hour Of The Time / August 16, 1993
Books by Ralph Epperson (PDF)...
Epperson, Ralph / The New World Order
Epperson, Ralph / The Unseen Hand
Book by William Cooper (PDF)...
Cooper, William / Behold A Pale Horse
Labels: Hour Of The Time, Ralph Epperson, William Cooper

Alaska lawmaker returns home after refusing search
Determined to avoid a pat-down search to board her flight home, an Alaska state lawmaker took an unusual route: a roundabout four-day detour via rental car, a small plane, taxicab and a ferry.
Rep. Sharon Cissna's land-air-and-sea journey ended Thursday when the ferry arrived in Auke Bay, outside Juneau, where she was met by a small group of well-wishers and a bouquet of yellow flowers.
She said travelers are "accidentally being abused by government," and she vowed to fight for changes in how the Transportation Security Administration deals with screening passengers, especially those with special health issues... [Full Article]
Labels: Alaska, Sharon Cissna, Transportation Security Administration, TSA

DNA "Genetic Patdown" Introduced to Airports by DHS
Activist Post
A new level of invasive screening is scheduled for airports this summer: a portable DNA scanner to conduct on-site, real-time genetic testing.
This technology is being implemented under the cover of combating human trafficking, illegal immigration, and finding missing persons, but Richard Seldon of NetBio, creator of the scanners, clearly states that "DNA information has the potential to become part of the fabric of day-to-day life." In an interview with Katie Drummond who broke this story for The Daily, Seldon envisions additional applications in emergency rooms, food safety tests, and law enforcement... [Full Article]
Labels: Activist Post, Department of Homeland Security, DHS, DNA
Activist Post
Just over a month ago, Google announced that they were changing their algorithm in order to weaken the search engine rankings of sites they deem to be "content farmers."
Whereas most of Google's algorithm changes are barely noticeable, the current change that they have been working on since last January will affect 12% of U.S. searches.
There has been much debate about what "content farming" is, and Google has done little to offer a clear explanation, simply stating, "low quality" or "shallow" sites would be affected. This is similar to the vague definition of pornography -- you'll know it when you see it.
The problem with such a vague approach to what is a strictly defined algorithm is that it leaves too much room for a human interpretation. And as we have seen, Google has been exposed as having connections to U.S. intelligence agencies, which doesn't bode well for alternative news sites that aggregate anti-establishment stories from around the web. Given the other censorship threats facing the Internet, it seems those who might be critical of Internet control and real-time surveillance of average Americans are being targeted...
[Full Article]
Labels: Activist Post, Google
OKC Bombing: Jesse Trentadue Interviewed by Dr. Bill Deagle - 02/22/2011
Did the FBI kill Kenneth Trentadue during an interrogation?

[Kenneth Trentadue - murdered while incarcerated]
Jesse Trentadue Interviewed on Dr. Bill Deagle's "Nutrimedical Report" Radio Show - 02/22/2011 (Hour 3)
February 22, 2011 (hour 3)
Download this interview...
Jesse Trentadue Invterview with Dr. Bill Deagle - 02/22/2011
For more information about the Kenneth Trentadue case, go to...
Labels: bombing, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, OKC, Oklahoma City, Trentadue
Corbett Report - Sunday Update - 02/27/2011

Labels: Corbett Report, video
Saturday, February 26, 2011
CBS News
A resident of the increasingly violent Libyan capital of Tripoli told CBS Radio News Thursday that armed supporters of Muammar Qaddafi, the country's longtime leader, have stormed into hospitals to shoot wounded demonstrators and take dead bodies to an unknown location.
"They go in with guns into hospitals," said the resident, identified only as Adel to protect his safety. "They take the bodies that are dead. In some hospitals, they have shot the wounded. This is true. I know it's very strange for the States, but this is happening today in Tripoli."...
[Full Article]New Scientist
THE US army is planning to field "rubber bullets" for machine guns. Military officials claim the ammunition will allow them to more effectively quell violent protests without loss of life, but human rights campaigners are alarmed by the new weapon.
The final design for the XM1044 round has not been selected, according to an order placed on the Federal Business Opportunities website last month, but the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate has been working on a ring aerofoil projectile for some years. The round is a hollow plastic cylinder 40 millimetres across, looking something like a short toilet-paper roll. In flight its shape generates lift, giving it a longer range...
[Full Article]Labels: civil unrest, martial law, rubber bullets, U.S. Army
The Economic Collapse Blog
Have you ever heard of mob robberies? What happens is that dozens of young people storm a store at the same time, take whatever they want, and then storm out as powerless store clerks watch helplessly. Most of the time these "mob robbers" end up getting caught, but unfortunately "group crime" is a trend that is rising. Is it a sign of the times that large groups of people are starting to recklessly invade retail establishments? Is this the future of America? As I have written about so frequently, the U.S. middle class is being destroyed by this economy and large numbers of our young people are losing hope. Frustration and anger are rising from coast to coast and millions of Americans are losing faith in the system. The thin veneer of civilization which we all take for granted is already starting to disappear. So what is going to happen when the economy collapses? As our economic system fails, mob robberies and rampant looting are only going to become more common. Let us hope that the economy can hold together for at least a couple more years, because once society falls apart things are going to get really, really ugly in our major cities.
Are you prepared for what America is going to look like during the next Great Depression? It isn't going to be pretty. Over the past couple of decades we have gotten hints of what America is going to look like when society breaks down, and those hints have been very frightening...
[Full Article]Labels: The Economic Collapse Blog
TSA harassing and searching a 9 year old AFTER getting off a train
The only bad thing on our trip was TSA was at the Savannah train station. There were about 14 agents pulling people inside the building and coralling everyone in a roped area AFTER you got OFF THE TRAIN! This made no sense!!! Poor family in front of us! 9 year old getting patted down and wanded. They groped our people too and were very unprofessional. I am all about security, but when have you ever been harassed and felt up getting OFF a plane? Shouldnt they be doing that getting ON??? And they wonder why so many people are mad at them.
Labels: Georgia, Savannah, TSA, video
Libya in Crisis - Chart/Graphic
Download as a PDF...
Labels: Libya
All during the debates on ObamaCare, conservatives speculated (and were subsequently ridiculed) about what we saw as an obviously apparent necessity for the move to rationed health care. ‘No, No, No’ cried those liberals who forced this bill down our throats. ‘There won’t be any rationing of health care! And there certainly won’t be any death panels, you silly, stupid rednecked conservatives and Sarah Palin’. And they said, ‘Pay no attention to what has happened in every OTHER country that has instituted socialized health care. That won’t happen HERE. Wanna know why? Because WE are going to run it. And we will run it RIGHT.’
No matter how many times a conservative tried to show with logic, facts and evidence how it was impossible to enact this massive government-run health care ‘solution’ without rationing of some kind, we were run over, insulted and pushed aside. Of course that is because, as we’ve discussed before, liberals and progressives cannot abide facts. It is anathema to their physiological make up. Facts don’t jibe with knee jerk, emotional reactions.
So. Imagine my chagrin, but lack of surprise when I read in the and today about the revamping of the organ donor program for kidneys...
[Full Article]Labels: Obamacare, organ harvesting, organ trafficking
The Illuminati are using the Truth Movement to achieve their one-world government. Their goal is to show the world that all governments are thoroughly corrupt. When the time is correct, THEY will offer their "solution" to replace all of the evil governments.
Listen to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Protocol 3, sub-section 15:
"We have been leading the peoples from one (governmental) disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us (our governments) in favour of that king-despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world."
The strategy of fomenting disillusionment with democracy was also outlined by the Club of Rome. "Democracy will be made to seem responsible for the lagging economy, the scarcity and uncertainties.' This will bring the very concept of democracy into question."
The Truth Movement also creates widespread despair and a sense of hopelessness. We tend to magnify their power and underestimate out own.
The Truth Movement must ALWAYS be wary and ask the two fundamental questions:
1) Where do they want to lead us on any given front?
2) How are they cleverly accomplishing this? (Or closer to home: how are they using you to accomplish this?)...
[Full Article]
Labels: Henry Makow
Listen to "Govern America" with Darren Weeks - Saturday Mornings on RBN
Manly Palmer Hall Media Archive and Memorialphentrimine
Labels: Manly P. Hall
The New American
President Barack Obama's first year in office has done much to stir broad and angry opposition to his autocratic rule and his efforts to nationalize and socialize virtually the entire American economy. However, as the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which met recently in Washington, D.C., demonstrated, the opposition is far from unified. The three-day event (February 18-20) at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel was a factious, inharmonious affair exposing the deep philosophical divisions and conflicting political goals within the loosely defined "conservative movement."...
[Full Article]
Labels: CPAC, The New American, William F. Jasper
The complaints that the St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff's Office receives on a daily basis run the gamut from the mundane loud barking dog to the routine reports of speeders, to the make-you-shake-your head-and-say-what? calls about "my child is refusing to go to school."
But the call that came through on Thursday caught even veteran law enforcement officials off guard and perhaps created a new category: Way out of the ordinary.
But it also may be a sign of the times.
At 2 p.m. on Thursday, the St. John 9-1-1 emergency call center received a report from a motorist who became irate when, he said, a local gas station increased the price of the fuel - while he was filling up his truck.
The unidentified motorist told authorities that when he first pulled into the station at Birdie's Food and Fuel, located at 901 East Airline Highway in LaPlace, the price on the pump read $3.049 per gallon. But, while he was pumping, the price shot up to $3.189. The motorist confronted the station attendant but got no satisfaction, so he dialed 9-1-1...
[Full Article]Labels: gas prices, gasoline, rising prices
Companies around the world have begun to warn about the impact of higher fuel costs on their businesses, raising fears about profits and inflation.
Companies in the most energy-intensive sectors, such as airlines, have been the first to raise the alarm, but analysts warned that a sustained period of high oil prices would have a widespread effect on earnings...
[Full Article]Labels: fuel, rising prices
BENGHAZI, Libya – Protesters demanding Moammar Gadhafi's ouster came under a hail of bullets Friday when pro-regime militiamen opened fire to stop the first significant anti-government marches in days in the Libyan capital. The Libyan leader, speaking from the ramparts of a historic Tripoli fort, told supporters to prepare to defend the nation.
Witnesses reported multiple deaths from gunmen on rooftops and in the streets shooting at crowds with automatic weapons and even an anti-aircraft gun.
"It was really like we are dogs," one man who was marching from Tripoli's eastern Tajoura district told The Associated Press. He added that many people were shot in the head, with seven people within 10 yards (meters) of him cut down in the first wave...
[Full Article]PDF E-Books by Dr. John Coleman
"One World Order Socialist Dictatorship" by Dr. John Coleman
"The Rothschild Dynasty" by Dr. John Coleman
Labels: downloads, Dr. John Coleman
From More info about Barry Soetoro's Birth Certificate (or lack thereof) and Eligibility (he is a usurper)
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
'No evidence' of problems with Hawaii health chief

Explanation sought for governor's removal of department director
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Hawaii controversy over birth certificate guardian
Senator challenges governor on firing of state's health department director
Labels: Barack Obama, Barry Soetoro, birth certificate, eligibility, Hawaii, World Net Daily
Friday, February 25, 2011
February 25, 2011
The Opie and Anthony Show had comedian Louis CK in studio while they were interviewing Donald Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld had troubles answering a question, obviously being a humorous one, from Louis CK.
In a more serious tone here is the clip of Mancow Muller on The Alex Jones show discussing how Rumsfeld did not know about Building 7.
Labels: Building 7, Donald Rumsfeld, Opie and Anthony
Veterans Today
Joy Behar just got a lesson in global politics from one of America’s wisest and most experienced journalist. Ms. Behar is a wonderful comedian and show host. What makes her successful is that she’s really just like you and me. She’s trying to find the answers and reach out. And so no one can blame her or any of us for that matter if we think that Semites are Jews. In the USA, that’s what we’ve been conditioned to know. And boy were we wrong. Helen Thomas, an Arab American, made it clear that she’s a semite and not jewish. How can that be right? Have we been duped?
Let’s take a longer look at what a “semite” actually is…
Labels: Helen Thomas, Joy Behar, video
Press TV
According to the reports, Saif al-Arab, Gaddafi's youngest son, who was sent by his father to cooperate with Libyan security forces in the massive crackdown on pro-democracy protesters joined forces with the demonstrators in the eastern city of Benghazi on Thursday.
Saif al-Arab, who is widely regarded as the most low-profile of Gaddafi's sons have also hinted that his father would commit suicide or flee to Latin America in the face of rising public outcry over his tyrannical rule...
[Full Article]
Labels: Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, protests
The Economic Collapse Blog
Labels: gas prices, gasoline, The Economic Collapse, The Economic Collapse Blog
The Glenn Beck Secret
Suggets that grassroots citizen journalist group has “driven people to murder”
Steve Watson
Thursday, Feb 24th, 2011
The Southern Poverty Law Center has a history of declaring any protest group it sees as “anti-government” as an “extremist” hate group, without justification. Today it continues that trend with the publication of yet another report that throws in We Are Change members nationwide with racist Neo Nazi groups and Ku Klux Klan factions.
The SPLC’s annual report, entitled “The Year in Hate & Extremism, 2010″, is being touted as material for mainstream media headlines such as “Anti-government extremist groups on rise in US: study”, and “Survey: more US hate groups than ever before”.
Of course, if you contend that everything, including peaceful protest and citizen journalism is “extremist”, then you are assured to find that “extremism” is most definitely on the rise.
The SPLC has once again included many state chapters of We Are Change in it’s report, despite protests last year designed to counter the “Defamatory Propaganda” put out by the SPLC.
The report separates its targets into “Hate Groups”, “Nativist Extremist Groups”, and “Patriot Groups”. Though We Are Change are listed under the latter, the implication in the overall report and the articles it has spawned are that they are all one and the same.
“…by far the most dramatic growth came in the antigovernment “Patriot” movement — conspiracy-minded organizations that see the federal government as their primary enemy — which gained more than 300 new groups, a jump of over 60%.” the report states.
Without presenting any empirical evidence whatsoever, the report states that the rise of groups such as We Are Change can be attributed “at least partly on the basis of furious rhetoric from the right aimed at the nation’s first black president — a man who has come to represent to at least some Americans ongoing changes in the racial makeup of the country.”
Alongside such libelous and offensive statements, the SPLC presents its annual “hate map”, complete with icons in the form of swastikas and white robes, to indicate the locations of Neo Nazis and virulently racist Klan groups.
The report also lists The Oath Keepers, a group it has regularly targeted, as well as other peaceful pro-Constitution groups.
The report even lists Austin’s Brave New Books store, which sells books and dvds on a wide range of subjects. Brave New Books stocks most of Alex Jones’ films as well as books such as ‘End The Fed’ by libertarian Congressman Ron Paul.
The SPLC contends that a “mainstreaming of conspiracy theories,” has contributed to a rise in “hate”.
Translation: the increased exposure of rampant government corruption and its blatant disregard for the American people has resulted in more social dissatisfaction and the growth of more political protest groups.
Though it is entirely possible that real extremist groups are growing in numbers, it is clearly grossly misleading to suggest that We Are Change, a peaceful citizen journalism activist group, is on a par with cross burning racists.
We Are Change is a true grass roots group that is populated by people of all races and nationalities, it is ludicrous and downright offensive to throw those people in with Neo-Nazi skinheads who worship Hitler.
All of this gets filtered down into the suggestions that extreme hate and racism is responsible for new illegal immigration laws, legislation challenging the authority of the privately owned Federal Reserve and a general unrest amongst the wider population.
“It’s hard to predict where this volatile situation will lead,” the report suggests.
“What seems certain is that President Obama will continue to serve as a lightning rod for many on the political right, a man who represents both the federal government and the fact that the racial make-up of the United States is changing, something that upsets a significant number of white Americans.”
“And that suggests that the polarized politics of this country could get worse before they get better.”
It is precisely this kind of fearmongering propaganda, if anything, that is causing greater anxiety and divisions in America today, not the work of groups like We Are Change, who take their very name from the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi.
In response to criticism that the SPLC is broadly tarring every group it disagrees with with the same brush, the editor of the report, Mark Potok, told the Christian Science Monitor:
“We’re not in any way suggesting that these groups should be outlawed or free speech should be suppressed … but it’s a kind of calling out the liars, the demonizers, the propagandists,” says Mr. Potok. While the groups themselves may not advocate violence, he says, such speech has “driven people and will continue to drive people to murder.”
Of course, we should not expect anything different from the SPLC, which has always been heavy on smear and thin on actual facts.
Last year the group, published a “Patriot Hitlist”, linking mainline political activists and even members of Congress, such as Ron Paul, with violent extremist minority groups.
The piece labels Paul, along with Andrew Napolitano, Michele Bachmann and Glen Beck as anti-government patriot movement “enablers”. If anyone is an enabler of extremism it is the SPLC, as it continues to propagandize for the miniscule and completely irrelevant white supremacist movement in order to magnify the ludicrous threat it claims these fringe groups pose.
Other notables to make the hitlist were Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners For America, former Phoenix police officer Jack McLamb and former IRS special agent Joe Banister – a who’s who of regular guests on the Alex Jones show, who was also included on the list.
Alex is quoted in the piece as saying “The entire planet is being enslaved by global, dominant corporations.” If that’s the classification of what an radical extremist believes then the SPLC better prepare to compile a much larger list.
The SPLC are always desperate to throw in their mainstream political opponents with killers and mass murderers, no matter how ludicrous the notion. In 2009, the group attempted to link Infowars and Alex Jones with Pittsburgh cop killer Richard Poplawski because Poplawski had left comments on Jones’ websites. Cursory inspection of the comments revealed that Poplawski was attacking Jones, however that did not stop the SPLC ‘s ridiculous smear attempt extending to elements of the media that later had to issue retractions. What made the entire issue even more ludicrous was the fact that comments left on the SPLC’s own website four months previously had called for Alex Jones to be executed for his political views.
The SLPC makes millions every year off the back of attacking libertarians and conservatives and anyone else who doesn’t share their own myopic political outlook.
It has a nasty habit of labeling “extremist” and “radical” any group or person that it merely disagrees with, lumping them in with white supremacists and right wing militias, all the while preaching that it is committed to “Fighting Hate, Teaching Tolerance, Seeking Justice”.
Perusing their website and published materials for just a short time will lead any rational and discerning person to identify the SPLC for what it is – an über leftist outfit of control freaks with an axe to grind. However, the U.S. government, under both Republican and Democratic administrations – and by proxy the corporate mainstream media – has chosen to elevate the SPLC to the level of revered research group.
Most infamously, the SPLC was cited as a primary research source in the highly inflammatory Missouri Information Analysis Center report, a federally funded “fusion center” document that equated Ron Paul supporters, people who display bumper stickers, people who own gold, or even people who fly a U.S. flag with radical race hate groups and terrorists.
Along with the ADL, another group that just loves to compile lists of political enemies, the SPLC was also a prominent source for the leaked Department of Homeland Security “Rightwing Extremism” report. The sources for the document, which equated veterans and gun owners with violent terrorists, were revealed following a freedom of information act request from the group Americans for Limited Government. Along with the SPLC and the ADL, other sources included a number of news articles, some of which also cited the SPLC, and a scattering of web posts from highly dubious sources. No statistical analysis was found to have been undertaken by the DHS – they just took the opinions of the SPLC and threw in a few internet posts as an afterthought.
The disgusting irony of the whole sorry affair came with the fact that the SPLC immediately jumped on the DHS report when it was leaked, using it to justify their own materials and agendas, in a twisted ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ scenario.
In the months that followed, the SPLC returned to the report again and again to tie it in with incidents such as the tragic shooting at the Holocaust museum in Washington DC.
The SPLC has continued its sustained effort, with the establishment media in tow, to float the talking point that worried gun owners are growing in the United States and that this could portend a violent act of domestic terror.
While the SPLC claims to rail against hate, it continues to mirror the actions of the most hateful regimes in the history of the human race by compiling endless lists of “enemies of the state”.
Perhaps the most famous illustration can be derived from an evening dubbed “The Night Of The Long Knives” when in June 1934 Hitler took out his political enemies, based on a prepared list drawn up by Goering and Himmler, later known as the Reich List of Unwanted Persons.
Hitler’s list of enemies then extended beyond political grievances. Suffice to say, political enemies lists have somewhat of a bad rap. But I guess what’s good for Hitler is good for the SPLC.
Labels: Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Energy Non-Crisis - Lindsey Williams
Kurt Nimmo
February 23, 2011
On the day after pastor Lindsey Williams went on the Alex Jones Show and talked about the globalist plan to destroy the dollar and jack up oil prices through the stratosphere in an effort to wreck the economy, the price of oil went up to just short of $100 per barrel. Sources inside the oil industry told Williams the price will ultimately reach between $150 and $200 per barrel. Williams also told Alex Jones the oil producers Saudi Arabia and Iran will be targeted.
Watch part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
Analaysts are predicting that the situation unfolding in Libya may spread to Saudi Arabia and other oil producers in the region and this will result in radical price fluctuations as sharp as those in the 1970s when an OPEC embargo produced serious gasoline shortages in the United States.
In Europe, benchmark crude for April delivery went up 74 cents at $96.16 a barrel, the highest since October 2008. The contract skyrocketed to $5.71, or 6.4 percent, and settled at $95.42 on Tuesday.
Reports indicate Gaddafi’s security forces may sabotage the country’s oil industry. “Among other things, Gaddafi has ordered security services to start sabotaging oil facilities. They will start by blowing up several oil pipelines, cutting off flow to Mediterranean ports. The sabotage, according to the insider, is meant to serve as a message to Libya’s rebellious tribes: It’s either me or chaos,” writes Ismail Zitouny for Reuters.
Libya has the largest oil reserves in Africa. It is the world’s 15th-largest crude exporter at 1.2 million barrels per day, according to the Energy Information Administration.
Earlier in the week the Spanish oil company Repsol-YPF suspended operations in Libya. Other oil companies – including Italy’s Eni, Royal Dutch Shell, U.K.-based BP and Germany’s Wintershall – have started transporting employees out of the country.
The corporate media is getting Americans accustomed to the prospect of gas at $5 or more a gallon. “If this thing escalates and there’s a good chance that there’d be a shift in supplies, $5 gas isn’t out of the question,” Darin Newsom, senior analyst at energy tracker DTN, told USA Today.
Every 10-cent increase in gas prices translates to an additional $14 billion per year out of consumers’ pockets, Peter Boockvar, an equity strategist at Miller Tabak, wrote in a research note in January. Americans spend $1 billion per day on gas, according to the Washsington Post.
The massive U.S. deficit and national debt have worked to undermine the dollar and threaten its status as the world’s reserve currency. A weaker dollar also drives up the price of oil.
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Oil is traded in dollars and a weak dollar means foreign investors can buy more oil, which in turn drives up the price.
Kurt Nimmo edits He is the author of Another Day in the Empire: Life In Neoconservative America.
Labels: Alex Jones, Lindsey Williams
by James Simpson
The November elections marked a sea change in the political landscape at every level of government nationwide. Right now, all eyes are focused on the Wisconsin standoff between Governor Scott Walker and the public employee unions. But under the radar, completely overlooked by the mass media, is the unprecedented move recently taken by newly-elected Carroll County, Maryland Commissioners Richard Rothschild, Robin Frazier, Haven Shoemaker, Dave Roush and Doug Howard, who abolished the County’s Office of Sustainability. They then voted unanimously to drop out of the UN’s International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). They are the first governmental organization to do so.
For those unfamiliar with the sustainable development agenda, this might not seem like much, but it is huge. If you have been following my recent series on the subject, you will know that local Sustainability offices, under the auspices of the ICLEI’s Local Governments for Sustainability, are the tiny, visible tip of the monstrous Agenda 21 sustainable development iceberg, the ultimate goal of which is to transform American society from the bottom up into a socialist ward of UN global governance. As of today, there are approximately 600 local governments in the US who have signed on to this Trojan Horse.
Minus one...
[Full Article]Labels: Agenda 21
Greek Policeman Hit By Petrol Bomb
A GREEK policeman is lucky to escape alive after a protester lobbed a PETROL BOMB at the policeman...the policeman is seen running while on fire.
Police in Greece have been involved in violent clashes with demonstrators in the capital Athens.
The violence erupted during a rally by more than 30,000 angry workers near the Greek parliament. They object to the government's far-reaching budget cuts.
The strike paralysed public transport. More than 100 flights were cancelled.
Labels: Greece, petrol bomb, police, protest, video
Raw Story
Michael Hastings has struck again.
The reporter who's story for Rolling Stone forced the resignation of former Gen. Stanley McChrystal has a new story out, this time focusing on what he calls "psyops" employed against elected officials by yet another "runaway general."
However, when told to target high-profile individuals such as Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Al Franken (D-MN), Carl Levin (D-MI) and even Adm. Mike Mullen -- one unit resisted, citing federal law that information warfare not be used against Americans.
"At minimum," Hastings writes, "the use of the [information operations] team against U.S. senators was a misue of vital resources designed to combat the enemy."
The report added that documents provided to the magazine showed the operations cost taxpayers over $6 million.
Those that resisted, the report said, were targeted for retaliation...
[Full Article]Labels: psychological operations, psychological warfare, psyops, Senate, U.S. Army
Donald Rumsfeld Uses Jedi Mind Trick on Mancow: "What is Building 7?"
Talk radio host Mancow Muller also makes an appearance on today's show. Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.
Labels: Alex Jones, Building 7, Donald Rumsfeld, Mancow, video, WTC 7
'Bilderberg Hand': Deadly chaos in Libya, Bahrain as Wave of Rage spreads
Government buildings are reported to be on fire in the Libyan capital Tripoli as demonstrators demand an end to the 41-year rule of Colonel Gaddafi. The son of the Libyan leader blamed opposition groups and outsiders for instigating the protests. The army is reported to be using live ammunition against demonstrators, with international organisations putting the current death toll at over 200. In a televised national address Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi said this number was exaggerated, also dismissing reports that his father fled the country. Meanwhile the unrest continues to spread further through the region with protests in Yemen, Bahrain and Morocco. Regional expert Adrian Salbuchi says that global dominance groups are behind the wave of revolts.
Labels: Bahrain, Bilderberg, Libya, Russia Today, video
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON—The government of Col. Moammar Gadhafi hasn't destroyed significant stockpiles of mustard gas and other chemical-weapons agents, raising fears in Washington about what could happen to them—and whether they may be used—as Libya slides further into chaos.
Tripoli also maintains control of aging Scud B missiles, U.S. officials said, as well as 1,000 metric tons of uranium yellowcake and vast amounts of conventional weapons that Col. Gadhafi has channeled in the past to militants operating in countries like Sudan and Chad...
[Full Article]Labels: chemical weapons, Libya, mustard gas
Fox News
DUBAI -- Al Qaeda's North African wing condemned Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi and expressed solidarity with protesters revolting against his rule, the SITE Intelligence Group quoted it as saying on Thursday.
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb accused Gaddafi of hiring African mercenaries and ordering aircraft to fire on protestors, SITE said, citing a jihadist statement issued on Thursday.
AQIM urged Muslim scholars, thinkers and journalists to support the Libyan people in their uprising.
"We were pained by the carnage and the cowardly massacres carried out by the killer of innocents Gaddafi against our people and our unarmed Muslim brothers who only came to lift his oppression, his disbelief, his tyranny and his might," AQIM was quoted as saying in the statement.
"We only came out to defend you against these despots who usurped your rights, plundered your wealth, and prevented you from having the minimum requirements of a dignified life and the simplest meanings of freedom and human dignity," AQIM said...
[Full Article][Webmaster - Don't forget..."Al Qaeda" is actually "Al-CIA-duh"...a CIA run operation. See the following link...]
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
Fox News
Labels: Libya, protesters, Qaddafi
Gaddafi Army attacks protesters across Libya in violent crackdown
Meanwhile, Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi is fiercely fighting to retain control of the capital as he's faced with more defections from his own regime. Sporadic attacks continue across the deserted streets of Tripoli, with reports of uprisings ongoing in nearby towns. After more than a week of revolts, the opposition is consolidating its gains, with demonstrators taking over the east of the country. The UN Security Council and Washington have demanded an immediate end to the violence. The EU is considering sanctions against Libya for Colonel Gaddafi's bloody crackdown on protesters, after some reports say the army used airstrikes against its own people. Several hundred protesters are said to have been killed, but the real death toll is feared to stand at more than a thousand.
Labels: Libya, Russia Today, video
SINGAPORE (AP) - Oil prices zoomed to nearly $102 a barrel Thursday in Asia as chaos in Libya disrupted crude supplies from the OPEC nation, and traders worried instability could spread to oil-rich countries in the Middle East.
Benchmark crude for April delivery was up $3.55 at $101.65 a barrel at late afternoon Singapore time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract, which has soared about 20 percent since last week, jumped $2.68 to settle at $98.10 on Wednesday.
In London, Brent crude for April delivery vaulted $5.74 to $116.99 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's grip on power slipped further as rebels took control of much of the eastern part of the country and advanced around Tripoli, the capital. Two air force pilots parachuted out of their warplane and let it crash into the eastern Libyan desert rather than follow orders to bomb an opposition-held city.
The mayhem has disrupted crude exports from Libya, which produces about 1.6 million barrels of crude per day and has the biggest oil reserves in Africa...
[Full Article]Labels: oil
Raw Story
One official in Indiana suggested over the weekend that riot police should use deadly force on those protesting Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker's plan to strip unions of their rights...
[Full Article]
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