Sunday, October 31, 2010
October 30, 2010

By Richard Evans
Celebrity meltdowns are so routine the scenarios are predictable.
Star freaks out in public place - gets arrested, goes to re-hab.
Star found dead on drugs, or star commits suicide, like Heath Ledger and David Carradine
"How many people have you known personally who have died suddenly and mysteriously in the last five years?" Randy Quaid asked.
"I have personally known eight actors..." Quaid stopped for a moment, clearly fighting back tears. "All of whom I have worked with and was close to - Heath Ledger, Chris Penn, David Carradine among them. I believe these actors were whacked and I believe many others, such as Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Mel Gibson, are being played to get at their money."
See Randy Quaid's remarkable press conference here.
Veteran Hollywood actor Quaid and his wife were arrested in Vancouver Canada on warrants issued from Los Angeles, released on bail to await extradition.
The Media lit up identical stories gratuitously trashing Quaid with the Britney Spears treatment. The tabloids howled "Randy Quaid MELTDOWN."
Overnight he and his wife are presented as "fugitives". I've read gratuitous remarks from nobodies in these articles like, "unsurprisingly, drugs are suspected...." Suspected? The court charges don't involve drugs.
Quaid's never been arrested for drugs or drunk. More libel and slander: an ABC breakfast TV drone tried psychiatric innuendo; "Randy Quaid has made a career playing offbeat weirdos...maybe that should tell us something." It tells me that Quaid is a good actor, a job he's been doing multiple films every year since 1971 without incident before bad things started happening to him which haven't been adequately explained.
The media coverage is definitely a smear. They would have gotten away with smearing him too, if he hadn't gotten this press conference on video and online.

Bingo. There's motive. Royalties. Whomever has been going after Randy Quaid has serous clout in Hollywood and media control. What sort of group has the influence to get a veteran stars actor's union card canceled to kill his income, and the legal leverage to get a famous American and his wife arrested in Canada to be hauled back to Los Angeles in cuffs?
Braun was furious that Quaid has had the presence of mind to understand what's happening not only to him but all the actors in Hollywood. Crossing to Canada to force his enemies to file international extradition can't be hidden and blows the stealth cover of those filing the charges.
Quaid can't prove his allegations of a conspiracy to murder stars, but the word is in the same tabloid media those conspirators have used to their advantage to smear their victims. A lawyer for Braun announced they were filing suit against Quaid over his statement, which may not turn out to be a smart move for Braun.
During 2007 comedian Dave Chappelle turned down $50 million from Comedy Central because he was being coerced to do a bit on his show wearing a dress. There's a "casting couch" in Hollywood for rappers and actors learn they have to be the recipient of ritual sodomy to get the big contract. Few refuse, but a few do refuse Another comedian Katt Williams turned down $50 million to do his own show too.
Dave Chappelle-What's Wrong With Hollywood
Black Hollywood: Are Black Men being Raped? Posted in the African-American Forum
Chappelle said, "What is happening in Hollywood that a guy that tough (Martin Lawrence) will be out on the street waving a gun screaming 'they're trying to kill me!' ? What's happening in Hollywood? Nobody knows. The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. That's bullshit. These people are not crazy, they're strong people. Maybe the environment is a little sick".
Hollywood is an Illuminati club that offers rich rewards for supine obedience and stern retribution for those who refuse to bend over. Let's hope Randy Quaid's voicing what few in Los Angeles dare say prompts other actors to rebel.
Randy Quaid Speaks to Vancouver Media
Labels: Hollywood, Illuminati, Randy Quaid
Hollywood Insiders: Dark Stars
Hollywood Insiders is a documentary series focusing on Illuminati and Freemasonic influence and symbolism in Hollywood. Full Disclosure ,Magick & The Matrix, and Beneath the Surface are the most recent, and comprehensive of this series.
Dark Stars
Hollywood Insiders Dark Stars examines Illuminati symbolism, Predictive programming, 9/11 synchronicities, and Satanism in Hollywood and the music industry.
Labels: Hollywood Insiders, Illuminati, video
Texe Marrs Interviews Dr. Henry Makow About His New Book, "Illuminati 2 - Deceit and Seduction"
Labels: Henry Makow, Texe Marrs
From The Past... Kay Griggs Spills the Beans About Who REALLY Runs the Military and Government
Liberal Hecklers Won't Let Obama Speak
The fear mongering surrounding the phony war on terror has continued in a big way. The corporate media recently hyped reports of a supposed terror plot involving explosive devices in packages coming from Yemen. There are so many problems with this story that it is hard to know where to begin in breaking everything down. What is certain however, is that this entire situation is a staged fiasco by the U.S. government and other western powers to further this false terror war and implement more draconian police state measures around the world.
Original reports regarding this incident indicate that none of the said suspicious packages contained explosive materials. Despite this, U.S. President Barack Obama contradicted these reports in a press conference this afternoon claiming that two packages from Yemen destined for Jewish organizations in Chicago did in fact contain explosive material. Obama would also direct agencies within the government to take additional measures to thwart any additional supposed terror plots. The two specific packages which Obama referenced were spotted at airports in the UK and the United Arab Emirates. The initial reports of these suspicious packages also prompted searches of planes at Newark, N.J and Philadelphia as well as searches of UPS trucks. No explosive devices were found as a result of the searches on either the planes or the UPS trucks. Obama would go on to say that they believed the two aforementioned packages were sent by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Following Obama's press conference, many in the corporate media simply forgot about the initial reports and just began to repeat what Obama said...
[Full Article]Labels: bomb plot, ink cartridge
(CNN) -- The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has called off its investigation of Google's "Street View" mapping program without issusing fines to the company, according to a letter sent from the FTC to Google on Wednesday.
The federal agency had been investigating the fact that Google collected communications, including passwords and e-mails, from people who used open Wi-Fi networks in their homes.
The data collections, which Google says were inadvertent, happened while Google was driving around taking pictures for the Street View function on Google Maps, the Mountain View, California, company said.
The FTC said Google has sufficiently addressed the problem...
[Full Article]Labels: Federal Trade Commission, FTC, Google
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Two studies published recently suggest there could be something wrong with the way ADHD is diagnosed in young children in the US, one found that nearly 1 million kids are potentially misdiagnosed just because they are the youngest in their kindergarten year, with the youngest in class twice as likely to be on stimulant medication, while the other study confirmed that whether children were born just before or just after the kindergarten cutoff date significantly affected their chances of being diagnosed with ADHD.
Papers on both studies by US researchers are in press, to be published in the Journal of Health Economics, the first being a corrected proof that was first available online in June, and the other appeared online on 4 August.
In the first paper, Dr Todd Elder, assistant professor of economics at Michigan State University, looked at a sample of nearly 12,000 children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort, which is funded by the National Center for Education Statistics. He analysed the difference in ADHD diagnosis and medication rates between the youngest and the oldest children in a kindergarten grade.
He found that the youngest children were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD and to be prescribed behavior-modifying stimulants such as Ritalin than their older classmates. He told the press that the "smoking gun" was that the diagnoses depended on the children's age relative to classmates and the teacher's perceptions of whether they had symptoms...
[Full Article]
Labels: ADHD, health care, medicine, misdiagnosis
Staged Explosive Find Used As Pre-Election Scare Tactic
Packages Intercepted in Dubai and England Were Bound For Jewish Targets in Chicago
Suspicious packages from Yemen intercepted in Dubai and England tested positive for explosives, according to President Obama, addressing the nation Friday afternoon about what he now calls "a credible terrorist threat against our country."
"Last night and earlier today," said President Obama, "intelligence and law enforcement officials working with our friend and allies identified two suspicious packages bound for the United States, specifically two places of Jewish worship in Chicago."
"Initial examination of those packages determined that they do apparently contain explosive material."
The president said the packages had come from Yemen, and that he had "directed that we spare no effort in investigating the origins of these suspicious packages and their connection to any additional terrorist plotting."...
[Full Article]Source: Explosives found in suspicious packages packed powerful punch

(CNN) -- Two suspicious packages found abroad that were bound for Jewish organizations in the United States contained a massive amount of explosive material that -- had the suspected terror plot not been thwarted -- would have triggered a powerful blast, a source close to the investigation said Friday.
U.S. officials believe that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, commonly referred to as AQAP, is behind the plot.
President Barack Obama confirmed that the packages -- intercepted in the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates -- originated in Yemen, the stronghold of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
"We also know that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ... continues to plan attacks against our homeland, our citizens, and our friends and allies," he said during a press briefing on the incident.

One suspicious package, found at the UK's East Midlands Airport, contained a "manipulated" toner cartridge and had white powder on it as well as wires and a circuit board, a law enforcement source said. A similar package set to be shipped on a FedEx cargo plane was discovered in Dubai, the law enforcement source and Dubai officials said.
"Initial examination of those packages has determined they do apparently contain explosive material," Obama said.
The source close to the investigation said the type of material found in the devices was PETN, a highly explosive organic compound belonging to the same chemical family as nitroglycerin. Just six grams of PETN is enough to blow a hole in the fuselage of an aircraft.
PETN was allegedly one of the components of the bomb concealed by Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, the Nigerian man accused of trying to set off an explosion aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 as it approached Detroit, Michigan, on December 25. AbdulMutallab is alleged to have been carrying 80 grams of PETN in that botched attack -- also believed to be the workings of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
By comparison, the source said the two devices found Friday contained multiple times more PETN. The source also said it appears the devices were designed to be detonated by a cell phone with the help of a smaller amount of a second unidentified explosive substance.
The cell-phone theory was seconded by a wireless engineer for a major U.S.-based manufacturer, who analyzed a photo of one of the devices at CNN's request...
[Full Article]Obama Issues Fake Terror Alert On Eve Of Elections
Establishment media fearmongers about “mail bomb plot” despite no bombs being found, Obama contradicts his own federal security apparatus
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, October 29, 2010
UPDATE: As this contrived scare unravels, Obama has given a press conference reversing earlier announcements that there were no explosives in the packages found on the planes. Obama claimed that the packages “did apparently contain explosive material,” completely contradicting earlier reports which quoted authorities as saying that both the package found in the UK and the two found in the U.S. were all duds and contained no explosive material.
A few hours ago CNN reported, “Investigators examined two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, said Mike Mangeot, a UPS spokesman. Authorities later gave the “all-clear” at the airport in Newark, U.S. and U.K. officials said,” and yet now CNN is running with the headline, Suspicious packages ‘contain explosive material,’ Obama says. This stinks to high heaven. Obama is directly contradicting the announcements of his own federal security apparatus.
Obama also said that the events were a scare tactic designed to shake up Americans before the elections. On this point he’s correct, but all the evidence points to his White House being behind the scare. Obama was informed last night of the events as the packages were discovered and even after it was known that the UK package contained no explosive material, he issued a full security alert anyway.
As we predicted on four separate occasions would happen, the Obama White House has deliberately contrived a fake terror scare on the eve of the mid-term elections in an effort to subdue the rampaging political appetite for anti-big government candidates that threatens to sweep aside establishment incumbents next week.
Despite the fact that the so-called suspicious package discovered on a flight in the United Kingdom tested negative for any explosive material, President Obama, after being informed of the apparent “threat” yesterday, “directed U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the Department of Homeland Security” to launch a full-scale security alert, according to a White House press release, which in turn was helpfully elevated to levels of hysteria by the corporate media today.
The scaremongering was focused around two UPS planes that landed at Philadelphia International Airport and another at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey, but just like the incident in the UK, both were soon given the “all clear,” reports CNN, and no bombs were found.
Despite the fact that no explosives at all were found on any of the planes, the establishment media is still feverishly running with the story that this was a “mail bomb” plot targeting the United States and that it was run out of Yemen, which coincidentally is also the US Military-Industrial Complex’s number one target for attack.
Quite how a “mail bomb plot” can succeed without any actual bombs is something the hysterical press has failed to properly explain. Like every other single major terror scare targeting the United States that we have covered, this smacks of an engineered political ploy.
As the video at the top of this article highlights, the terror scare also arrives just days after British Airways Chairman Martin Broughton attacked US authorities for the continuation of “completely redundant” airport security checks. It also comes amidst an increasing backlash against naked body scanners.
Just as former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge admitted that fake terror alerts were issued by the Bush administration for political gain, Obama is taking a leaf out of the Neo-Con’s playbook – and his timing couldn’t be better – just four days before the mid-term elections on Super Tuesday.
Over the last few months, on four separate occasions, we warned that the Obama White House would pull a terror stunt on the eve of the election in an effort to corral an increasingly resentful and angry electorate into acquiescence.As we reported back in July, former Clinton advisor Robert Shapiro wrote that Obama was relying on an October surprise in the form of a terror scare to rescue his presidency.
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership,” wrote Shapiro, adding, “He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
Last month we reported on how the Obama administration’s threat that a “small scale terror attack” was on the cards was just another political ploy to instill fear within Americans. In another subsequent article we again highlighted the probability of the government contriving a terror scare for political grist.
We repeated our warning about Obama seeking to exploit terror earlier this month in the aftermath of the supposed airport lobby bombing plot, which again turned out to be nothing but hot air.
We’d be loathe to forget that the media and the government have been totally discredited over and over again by their complicity in issuing phony terror alerts designed to manipulate elections and frighten the public into slavish obedience, accepting naked body scanners, an intensification of the police state and any other indignity in the name of the government protecting them from terrorists like Christmas Day bomber Farouk Abdulmutallab, who was allowed to board the airliner he tried to attack by order of the US State Department.
Within hours of this new terror scare breaking every indication, most notably the fact that Obama was informed last night and decided to go ahead with a full security alert despite the UK package being a dud, screams out that this is a contrived political stunt designed to sway the many key undecided voters in anticipation of next week’s mid-terms.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
Labels: Chicago, explosives, Paul Joseph Watson, Yemen
Invasive Enhanced Pat-Down Searches Start at Airports
As TSA Changes Airport Pat-Down Procedure, Some Ask If Security Has Gone Too Far
Next time you pass through security in some airports around the country, you may face a difficult dilemma: Would you rather have a revealing, full body scan or what some are calling an X-rated pat down?
Some passengers opt out of the full-body scan, concerned about the low doses of radiation emitted by the high-tech body scanners that are being put in place in many terminals. The machines also are able to see beneath clothes, creating a photo-realistic picture of the passenger's body.
But for those who refuse the scan, the alternative pat down is about to get equally thorough.
Starting Friday, the TSA is changing its pat-down procedure. TSA officers used to pat down passengers with the backs of their hands, but now they'll use the fronts of their hands to search more than ever before, in some cases touching body parts that once were off limits...
[Full Article]Pat-Downs May Soon Become Norm At Airports
In Wake Of Cargo Plane Scare, Privacy May Be Shelved A Bit

The TSA announced on Oct. 29, 2010, that security pat-downs may become the norm going forward. (Photo by Jeff Topping/Getty Images)
NEW YORK (CBS 2/WCBS 880) — Friday’s UPS scare is prompting increased security measures at the nation’s airports. That could include newly introduced pat-down procedures.
PHOTOS: Cargo Plane Terror Probe
Traveler Staci Reidinger told CBS 2’s Jay Dow she’s not happy about the Transportation Security Administration’s use of new full-body X-ray scanners. But citing privacy concerns she said it’s better than allowing a security agent put their hands on her.
“It’s not my religion, but there are many religions where a woman should not be touched by someone else other than their husband, and things like that. It’s not appropriate,” Reidinger said.
New, more intrusive full-body pat-downs are now mandatory for anyone who sets off a metal detector, or refuses to walk through the X-ray scanner, which produces revealing images of the naked body.
New, more intrusive full-body pat-downs are now mandatory for anyone who sets off a metal detector, or refuses to walk through the X-ray scanner, which produces revealing images of the naked body...
[Full Article]TSA's New Pat-Down Technique Unnerves Some
Screeners Can Use Front Of Hands, Sliding Motion
INDIANAPOLIS -- Some Indianapolis travelers are unsure about a new pat-down technique now in effect at airports across the country.The Transportation Security Administration is moving from the screener's traditional backward hand pat to more of a front-of-hand sliding motion, 6News' Renee Jameson reported.
Passengers at Indianapolis International Airport who set off a metal detector or are flagged for additional screening will have the option of the going through new pat down or undergoing a full body scan, airport officials said...
[Full Article]
TSA's new pat-down techniques not popular with LAX travelers
Hugo Perez doesn't like the idea of possibly exposing sensitive areas to a full-body scanner at Los Angeles International Airport.
But the notion of getting frisked by a security screener using his palms, rather than the backs of his hands, irks Perez even more.
"It sounds like they're going to treat us like we're being arrested or something," the Silver Lake resident said before boarding a flight from LAX to celebrate Halloween festivities in San Francisco this weekend.
"I don't want to go through those scanners," he said. "But I really don't want to get felt up by someone before I get on a plane, especially for a short flight."
With the flip of their hands, security screeners on Friday began patting down airline passengers using a flat and open palm in a sliding motion while conducting checks at LAX and airports across the country, the Transportation Security Administration said.
Pat-downs are usually conducted when metal detectors and whole-body imaging scanners detect something suspicious on a passenger, or when a traveler opts out of using the machines.
"TSA is in the process of implementing new pat-down procedures at checkpoints nationwide as one of our many layers of security to keep the traveling public safe," TSA spokesman Nico Melendez said in a written statement...
Labels: body scanners, pat down, pat-down, patdown, Transportation Security Administration, TSA
Friday, October 29, 2010
Fla. Woman Pleads Guilty to Shaking Baby to Death, Says She Was Angered He Was Crying While She Was Playing FarmVille

(CBS/AP) A north Florida mother has pleaded guilty to shaking her baby to death after the boy's crying interrupted her game on Facebook.
Alexandra V. Tobias pleaded guilty to second-degree murder on Wednesday and remains jailed.
The Florida Times-Union reports that she told investigators she was angered because the boy was crying while she was playing the game FarmVille...
[Full Article]
Labels: Facebook, FarmVille, iinfanticide, video games
By Kathleen Gilbert
October 5, 2010
LONDON, October 5, 2010 ( - A pro-abortion UK columnist provoked outrage from advocates of the disabled and horrified her fellow panelists on a BBC television show after she enthusiastically supported the smothering of suffering infants.
Author Virginia Ironside, who has a regular advice column in The Independent newspaper, appeared on the BBC's Sunday Morning Live show to argue that killing unborn disabled children is a possible act of mercy. But the other women on the show quickly reacted in horror after Ironside indicated that she was willing to go much further than simply advocating abortion.
"If I were a mother of a suffering child, I would be the first to want - I mean a deeply suffering child - I would be the first to want to put a pillow over its face," said the columnist. "And I would with any suffering thing."
Ironside added that she held that view because "my feeling of horror at suffering is much greater than my feeling of getting rid of a couple of cells, because suffering can go on for years."
"I'm sorry, I was just about to introduce another guest there, but that was a pretty horrifying thing to say," said a shocked BBC host Susanna Reid.
"What?" asked Ironside.
"That you would put a pillow over the face of a suffering child," said Reid.
"Of course I would! If it was a child I really loved who was in agony?" Ironside shot back. "I think any good mother would. I don't know any mother who wouldn’t say that if this was - there was nothing else that could be done."
A clearly agitated Joanna Jepson, an Anglican reverend who was also appearing on the show, gasped, "That's just not true!" Asked if she thought all mothers would agree with her, Ironside concluded, "I think a lot would. Maybe not any, but a lot."
On the same program, Ironside argued that an abortion could be "moral" if the child is disabled or "totally unwanted," saying it could even be "selfish" not to kill one's child in a eugenic abortion.
"Abortion can often be seen as something wicked or irresponsible but in fact it can be a moral and unselfish act," she said. "If a baby is to be born severely disabled or totally unwanted, surely abortion is the act of a loving mother."
Stunned BBC viewers complained to the network following Ironside's infanticide remarks. Clair Lewis, an advocate for disabled individuals, excoriated the columnist for advocating the eugenic elimination of disabled people.
"The problems that disabled people face will not be fixed by killing off unborn children," said Lewis.
GP Peter Evans, a member of the Christian Medical Fellowship, told UK media that it is "very dangerous" for individuals to decide who ought to live and who should die.
"For us to make judgments that people are not worth life, not worth the opportunity to live, is a very dangerous thing," Evans said.
Despite the widespread disgust with Ironside’s remarks, The Guardian, a prominent left-leaning UK newspaper, quickly ran a piece by columnist Zoe Williams defending them as "valid" and "brave."
Williams conceded that arguments favoring eugenic abortion, such as the idea that aborting a disabled child is "just helping [a natural miscarriage] along," can "sound pretty flippant." However, she added, "This is where Ironside has done something crucial: somebody has to assert the moral dimension of being pro-choice, that it's not all convenience and heartlessness.”
Labels: abortion, eugenics, infanticide
A controversial chemical used for decades in the mass production of food containers and baby bottles has been linked to male infertility for the first time.
Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the "gender bending" chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.
The findings are likely to increase pressure on governments around the world to follow Canada and ban the substance from our shelves.
BPA is used widely to make plastic harder and watertight tin cans.
It is found in most food and drink cans – including tins of infant formula milk – plastic food containers, and the casings of mobile phones, and other electronic goods.
It is also used in baby bottles though this is slowly being phased out.
BPA has been the subject of intense research as it is a known endocrine disrupter which in large quantities interferes with the release of hormones.
Earlier studies have linked it to low sex drive, impotence and DNA damage in sperm.
Now a new five year study claims to have found a link between levels of BPA in the blood and male fertility.
For their study of 514 workers in factories in China, researchers at Kaiser Permanente, a California-based research centre, found that men with higher urine BPA levels were two to four times more at risk of having poor semen quality, including low sperm concentration, low sperm vitality and mobility.
What is more the amount of the BPA in the blood seemed to be inversely proportional to sperm quality.
Even those with less than the national average BPA levels in America were effected, it was claimed.
"Compared with men without detectable urine BPA, those with detectable urine BPA had more than three times the risk of lowered sperm concentration and lower sperm vitality, more than four times the risk of a lower sperm count, and more than twice the risk of lower sperm motility," said study lead author Dr De-Kun Li...
[Full Article]
Labels: Bisphenol A, BPA, eugenics, fertility, sterility, sterilization
Labels: drug wars, Los Ramones, Mexico, police
FBI Sting / DC Metro Bomb Plot
Napolitano: Military agency will be able to help civilian cybersecurity
The Defense Department's supersecret National Security Agency can be used "appropriately" on civilian cybersecurity matters, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Thursday.
Napolitano said the an agreement between the military and Homeland Security, announced this month, takes privacy and civil liberties into account.
"We're not going to have two NSAs, we're going to have one NSA that can appropriately be used for defense purposes but also appropriately used for civilian purposes," Napolitano told National Symposium on Homeland Security and Defense.
"That means that we have to, on the civilian side, be particularly cognizant of privacy issues, of civil liberties issues, and we have built that into the memorandum" laying out the arrangement, she said.
The agreement allows Homeland Security to tap into NSA expertise on cybersecurity issues. Napolitano said her department and the military are responsible for 95 to 99 percent of the federal jurisdiction for cybersecurity, so a partnership was logical and necessary to make the most of both departments' resources and expertise...
[Full Article]Labels: cyber security, Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security, National Security Agency, NSA, posse comitatus, privacy
From 10/29/2010
Former Hitler Youth Whistleblower Warns Of America’s Nazi Future
In this shocking interview available for the first time to Prison subscribers, former Hitler Youth member and World War Two veteran Hilmar Von Campe warns that America’s collective turn away from God is greasing the skids for the state to take over as the ultimate authority, threatening a repeat of the rise of National Socialism, as he warns that the Obama White House and the United States government in general now more closely embrace the political doctrines of the Nazis than they do those of the founding fathers.
Jesse Ventura Calls For New 9/11 Investigation; Challenges Media
Former Governor of Minnesota, ex-Navy SEAL and retired pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura has renewed the call for a new investigation into the events of 9/11 in the face of dramatic new evidence that is coming to light every week.
New Video Shows MoveOn Activist Attempted To Assault Rand Paul
A new video of the notorious stomping incident reveals that far from just being “simply there to hold a sign” as she claimed, MoveOn protagonist Lauren Valle tried to assault Senatorial candidate Rand Paul by rushing towards his car and shoving the sign in Paul’s face, something the establishment media and the Soros blogs have completely failed to mention in their zeal to demonize the Paul campaign.
Conway Cover-Up: Media Ignores Admitted Obstruction Of Justice
While hyperventilating over the Lauren Valle stomping incident, the corporate media has ignored a far bigger scandal swirling around the Kentucky Senate race – the fact that financial contributors to Jack Conway’s campaign and Conway himself tipped off Conway’s brother to the fact that he was being investigated for trafficking drugs in an admitted obstruction of justice.
EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered 9/11 Footage Shows FBI Director Asking Firefighters About “Secondary Hits” On WTC
An intriguing video has appeared on You Tube that appears to show a FDNY film crew being interviewed in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks by the the director of the FBI’s New York office, who has suspicions that one of the World Trade Center towers took a “secondary hit” before collapsing.
Jesse Ventura 9/11 Cover-Up Simulcast Special
The Alex Jones Channel
Oct 28, 2010
Alex talks with Jesse Ventura, former governor of Minnesota, Navy veteran, actor, former radio and television talk show host and host of the popular TruTV series, Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. Jesse returns to the show to talk with Alex about the latest revelations and developments surrounding the inside job that was 9/11.
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