Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Glenn Beck fans doubt his take on eligibility
Fox host faces torrent of 'Where's birth certificate' on his own website

WASHINGTON – Glenn Beck may pooh-pooh the issue of Barack Obama's presidential eligibility, but some of his most loyal fans are emphatic in demanding, "Where's the Birth Certificate?"

On Beck's own website, a thread started today shows those concerned about Obama's unwillingness to document that he is a "natural-born" citizen, as the Constitution requires, running 9-to-1 over those who believe it's a non-issue.

At 2:11 p.m., a reader posted a comment on his website, The Blaze, about Democratic House Majority Whip James Clyburn's warning that if the GOP takes control of Congress in January, it will issue subpoenas regarding Obama's eligibility.

The original post included a video clip of Beck and guest Dinesh D'Souza dismissing the eligibility issue.

But within hours, more than 100 comments had been posted, and according to WND's tally, 45 of those comments questioned Obama's eligibility, and only five supported Beck's position...

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Beck being a Judas Goat and not truly going after the big issues what a big suprise. Slamming Debra Medina for wanting another investigation into 9/11 as well as the so called Birth Certificate, we can see Glen Beck's true colors.

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