Tuesday, March 6, 2012

They Love Death

End of the American Dream

Have you ever known someone that loves death? When someone truly is in love with death, it can take that person to a very dark place. Unfortunately, there are a growing number of scientists, politicians and global opinion makers that believe that we must reduce the size of the human population for the good of the planet. They are convinced that humanity is causing global warming, killing off other species and making this planet unlivable. In their quest to save the future of the planet, they are becoming bolder and bolder with their calls for population control. They love death because they believe that it will help save the earth. They figure that with less humans around, there will be less carbon emissions, less pollution and more room for other species. So how will this be achieved? Well, as you will read about in the rest of this article, "after-birth abortions", "mobile euthanasia teams", "sperm-destroying ultrasound technology" and putting contraceptives in the tap water are just some of the ways that are being proposed to reduce current human numbers. This hatred of life and love of death is being taught in colleges and universities all over the western world, and this population control philosophy is becoming increasingly dominant with each passing year. (Read More.....)



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