Tuesday, November 30, 2010
You Tube freezes Alex Jones Channel as web censorship accelerates in frightening early salvo of move towards tiered Internet system that favors large corporations while strangling independent voices
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
In a damning new lurch towards web censorship, Google’s news aggregator has blacklisted Prison Planet and Infowars despite the fact that both websites are internationally known and now attract more traffic than many mainstream media websites, while Google-owned You Tube has frozen the Alex Jones Channel based on a spurious complaint about showing Wikileaks footage that has been carried on hundreds of other You Tube channels for months.
After carrying our content for years, Google News last week purged Prison Planet and Infowars from its aggregator system, ensuring that our stories no longer appear alongside the likes of CNN and Fox News in a frightening early salvo in the move towards a tiered Internet that favors large corporations while independent voices are strangled.
Only smaller sites that re-post Prison Planet content have appeared in Google searches since early November, proving that the campaign is a deliberate effort on behalf of Google to restrict traffic to Alex Jones’ websites. Our stories have been linked almost every day on the Drudge Report for the past three weeks, as our readership figures soar past numerous corporate media websites that are carried by Google News. We are clearly a legitimate and internationally recognized news outlet and yet Google has blacklisted us because it disagrees with our political viewpoints.
In addition, Google-owned You Tube yesterday moved to freeze the popular Alex Jones Channel, which has well over 100,000 subscribers and has had over 75 million views. You Tube made a spurious claim that the channel had violated “community guidelines” by posting a segment from the infamous Wikileaks Apache footage, when the footage is in fact posted in greater length on hundreds of other You Tube channels, including Al Jazeera, Russia Today and CBS News.
Double standards: You Tube targets the Alex Jones Channel for showing a brief segment of a video that appears on hundreds of other You Tube channels, including CBS News and Russia Today.
When we responded to You Tube by pointing out that the Wikileaks footage in question appeared in multiple places elsewhere on You Tube in far greater length and detail, and that it was not vulgar or offensive but a real incident that was of clear public concern which was posted under fair use (USC Title 17, Section 106A-117), You Tube reacted by freezing uploading privileges for the account while also threatening to terminate it entirely.
You Tube is essentially sending a message that if you disagree with their decision, your claim won’t be considered, you will simply be punished to an even greater degree.
This is by no means the first time that Google and You Tube have engaged in open blacklisting of Alex Jones’ material.
Over many years we have documented numerous instances of censorship and attempts to chill free speech, includingYou Tube’s removal of The Obama Deception and Google’s refusal to allow its shopping cart software to carry the film after the company labeled the documentary ‘hate speech’.
With the Obama administration vowing to infiltrate and eviscerate so-called “conspiracy theories” by clamping down on free speech through the work of people like Cass Sunstein, Google and its subsidiary You Tube are now at the forefront of the agenda to turn the Internet into a sanitized and compliant forum in the same mould as cable television.
Once Google’s fiercest critics have been silenced for good the company can then set about implementing its CIA-backed total information awareness program, which will scour Twitter accounts, blogs and websites for all sorts of information left by individual users, aiming to use this data to “predict the future” and completely direct and control people’s lives and behavior.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt has announced that Google, in conjunction with the CIA, is set to become the ultimate Big Brother entity that “will know so much about its users that the search engine will be able to help them plan their lives” by constantly tracking their location via smart phones and telling them where to go and what to do.
We have previously reported on Google’s intimate and long standing connections to government spy networks. The company was founded with the aid of CIA seed money.
There is also no doubt that Google is one of the corporations at the forefront of the government’s drive to use cybersecurity as a pretext for killing the free Internet, having previously worked with the NSA and the CIA.
While Google openly spies on people via their wi-fi connections and gets away with it, the company has dispensed entirely with its “don’t be evil motto,” helping the communist Chinese government suppress dissent while simply blacklisting free speech it dislikes in the United States altogether.
There can be little doubt that this latest lurch in web censorship is part of the overall agenda to tighten the noose around independent news websites as they continue to outstrip the establishment media in terms of trustworthiness and reach.
Infowars.com alone now gets more traffic than MSNBC.com, a multi-billion dollar news operation funded by General Electric and the military-industrial complex.
The fact that millions are shunning the mainstream media and flocking to independent media outlets undoubtedly has the system running scared, exemplified by the recent rebellion against the TSA which was led by the Drudge Report.
The fact that the status quo is rapidly losing its power to influence the body politic and that this is shifting over to independent media not controlled by giant corporations has the establishment petrified, which is why they are doing everything possible to tighten the screws on websites like Prison Planet, Infowars, and Alex Jones content in general.
It is evident that the system revels in any chance to dampen the loud voice that Alex Jones, Infowars.com/PrisonPlanet.com and its supporters have raised on the Internet, effectively challenging the status quo and mainstream media spin on major news and events. With the easy passage of the web censorship bill, it is clear that what is happening now to Infowars.com and Alex Jones will soon happen to anyone without a politically-correct message, particularly when that message is capable of resonating throughout large parts of the globe.
With Homeland Security now openly seizing websites with no due course or opportunity for redress, the age of Internet censorship has now begun, with an iron curtain beginning to descend over free speech as the United States enacts policies more draconian than those of communist China.
If independent news websites and their readers don’t stand together in unison to decry Google’s efforts to kill free speech on the Internet, the web as a last outpost for the tattered and torn First Amendment will be lost forever.
CONTACT GOOGLE – click here.
CONTACT YOU TUBE – click here.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
Labels: Google, Paul Joseph Watson
Today global wealth is more highly concentrated in the hands of the elite than it ever has been at any other point in modern history. Once upon a time, the vast majority of the people in the world knew how to grow their own food, raise their own animals and take care of themselves. There weren't many that were fabulously wealthy, but there was a quiet dignity in having land you could call your own or in having a skill that you could turn into a business. Sadly, over the past several decades an increasingly growing percentage of agricultural land has been gobbled up by big corporations and by corrupt governments. Hundreds of millions of people have been pushed off their land and into highly concentrated urban areas. Meanwhile, it has become increasingly difficult to start a business of your own as monolithic global corporations have come to dominate nearly every sector of the world economy. So more people than ever around the world are forced to work for "the system" just to make a living. At the same time, those at the very top of the food chain (the elite) have spent decades rigging the system to ensure that increasing amounts of wealth will continue to flow into their pockets. So now in 2010 we have a global system where a few elitists at the top are insanely wealthy while about half the people living on earth are wretchedly poor.
There are very few nations around the world that have not been almost entirely plundered by the global elite. When the elite speak of "investing" in poor countries, what they really mean is taking control of the land, water, oil and other natural resources. In dozens of nations around the world today, big global corporations are stripping fabulous amounts of wealth out of the ground even as the vast majority of the citizens of those nations continue to live in abject poverty. Meanwhile, the top politicians in those nations are given huge bribes to go along with the plundering.
So what we have in 2010 is a world that is dominated by a very small handful of ultra-wealthy elitists that own an almost unbelievable amount of real assets, a larger group of "middle managers" that run the system for the global elite (and are rewarded very handsomely for doing so), hundreds of millions of people who actually do the work required by the system, and several billion "useless eaters" that the global elite don't really need and that they don't really have much use for.
The system was not ever designed to lift up the poor. Nor was it ever designed to promote "free enterprise" and "competition". Rather, the elite intend to funnel all wealth to themselves and to have the rest of us enslaved either to debt or to poverty.
The following are 20 statistics that prove that the wealth of the world is increasingly being funneled into the hands of the global elite, leaving most of the rest of the world wretchedly poor and miserable....
[Full Article]Labels: The Economic Collapse Blog
Senate Passes S.510 Food Safety Moderniztion Act
Senate Bill 510 could take your garden away
The Senate recently passed Bill S 510, also known as the Food Safety Modernization Act. The bill, from the nickname, seems harmless enough, but this bill means more than its name implies.
This bill will give the government jurisdiction over the growth, sale, trade and transport of foods in a way unlike any before. The passing of this bill would place full and total control over food into the hands of the federal government, and many people, farmers especially, are not happy about it.
This new bill will place a great deal of authority over farmers, and even freelance gardeners simply growing fruits and vegetables in their own backyards. Practices such as saving seeds for use the next year would be prohibited and doing so could result in a federal offense, punishable by fines and prison time. Some speculate that the practice of saving seeds is being banned in order to give seed companies, such as Monsanto, a monopoly over the seed industry.
One of the biggest groups of people to suffer are farmers. Farmers who provide food for their own families, as well as sell their crops at farmer's markets, will now be subjected to the authority of the federal government in regards to their crops, and the sale, and even personal consumption, of said crops. You heard right; it would be against the law to consume food grown in your own garden without the federal government's approval.
This bill affects not only the farmers, but gardening hobbyists, or those hoping to stretch their dollar and make ends meet with a summer garden. You could be committing a federal offense by enjoying some home-grown cucumbers, tomatoes or sweet peas. That apple tree that's been in your backyard for the last decade? You better chop it down, because if you're caught eating from it, you could face criminal charges.
US Senate offices are experiencing a huge backlash of grassroots opposition to the bill -- called the Food Safety Modernization Act -- as virtually every health freedom organization, family farm group and even dietary supplement companies have aligned to oppose this new bill. It is being called "The most dangerous bill in United States history" and would thrust America into a new Dark Ages of FDA tyranny over seeds, foods, herbs, gardens and nutritional supplements. (http://naturalnews.com/030418_Food_...)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03-b1tuCEaA...
Labels: Food Safety bill, S.510
A Pakistani tribesman is seeking 500 million dollars in compensation from the CIA after his son and brother were killed in America's covert drone war against Al-Qaeda, his lawyer said Monday.
Kareem Khan from North Waziristan, the district on the Afghan border where the US campaign has stepped up in recent months, said his house was hit by US missiles on December 31, 2009.
"That drone attack killed my son, my brother and a local man. We are not terrorists, we are common citizens," he told a news conference...
[Full Article]Kurt Nimmo
November 30, 2010
Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the Portland, Oregon, teenager was groomed and talked into a plot to detonate what he thought were six 55-gallon drums of explosives in a van, according to friends and the young man’s defense.
Outside the courtroom, a man who has played basketball with Mohamud said the teenager wouldn’t have gotten involved in the plot without encouragement from the FBI, the Associated Press reports. “If you talk with someone enough, they’ll be convinced they need to do something,” said 20-year-old Muhahid El-Naser. Inside the courthouse, public defender Stephen Sady was making similar arguments as he entered a not guilty plea on behalf of Mohamud.
Federal prosecutors, led by Obama’s top cop Eric Holder, insist Mohamud was a willing participant, had dismissed talk of backing out, and reveled in the prospect of killing Portlanders as they gathered to celebrate the lighting of a public Christmas tree. Holder defended the FBI sting, saying that once the undercover operation began, Mohamud “chose at every step to continue” with the plot cooked up by the FBI.
Holder and the Justice Department are pushing the absurd case and defending Mohamud’s entrapment because the government needs a steady stream of homegrown patsies and impressionable teenagers to argue for increasing the size and scope of the homeland police state.
On Sunday, a fire destroyed part of the Salman Alfarisi Islamic Center in Corvallis, Oregon. Mohamed Osman Mohamud had attended the mosque. FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele in Portland said the arson fire seemed to be an attempt “to interfere with the civil rights of the members of the church to freely worship,” according to the UPI.
Anti-Muslim sentiment has increased exponentially since September 11, 2001, when we were told Islamic bad guys in remote caves planned and executed an attack on America.
Labels: Christmas Tree bomber, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Kurt Nimmo
Green movement channels Nazis as authoritarian march to global government bares its teeth
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Not content with merely pushing world war-style rationing and the complete de-industrialization of the planet, global warming alarmists meeting in Cancun Mexico this week will propose the forced relocation of entire populations in the name of offsetting man made climate change.
The shocking proposal appears on page 6 of the executive summary of the Special Climate Change Program.
As a means of mitigating climate change, encouraging sustainability and reducing CO2 emissions, the document calls for, “the implementation of relocation programs for human settlements and infrastructure in high risk areas.”
Relocation of populations has historically been achieved by force at the hands of an authoritarian ruling elite, to the “substantial harm” of the target settlement, with loss of private property and harrowing social dislocation, and in some cases genocide, being three primary outcomes. The most odious example in recent history was of course the forced transfer of Jews from wartime Germany by the Nazis.
Political scientist Norman Finkelstein notes that forced relocations are often justified by the ruling authorities as a necessary solution to a drastic crisis, which is precisely the rhetoric used in the Cancun document.
The proposal by climate alarmists to forcibly relocate communities against their will is yet another revealing indication that the green movement has dispensed with all pretense of liberal legitimacy and has openly bared its teeth as an authoritarian and despotic undertaking.
Yesterday we reported on how ultra elitist environmental group The Royal Society published a series of papers to accompany the conference which stated that wartime-style crisis rationing should be implemented by Western governments in order to reduce carbon emissions.
Such a move would see “limits on electricity so people are forced to turn the heating down, turn off the lights and replace old electrical goods like huge fridges with more efficient models. Food that has travelled from abroad may be limited and goods that require a lot of energy to manufacture.” the London Telegraph reported.
Of course, the move has nothing to do with halting global warming, which even the Royal Society itself admits is slowing despite accelerating carbon emissions, and everything to do with lowering living standards in the west as part of the globalist drive to completely dismantle the middle class and thereby remove the primary obstacle to instituting an autocratic global government.
A prominent member of the Royal Society is James Lovelock, an eco-fascist who advocates ending democracy and instituting an authoritarian elite to oversee global climate management and a radical stemming of the human population in order to combat climate change. He is also a patron of the Optimum Population Trust, a notorious UK-based public policy group that campaigns for a gradual decline in the global human population, which it refers to as “primates” or “animals”, to what it sees as a “sustainable” level.
Leading climate skeptic Lord Christopher Monckton, who is in attendance at Cancun over the next ten days, appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday, to warn that globalists are attempting to play down the significance of the summit in an effort to impose world government treaties by stealth.
Monckton stated that the alarmists were proposing “lunatic measures” like forced resettlement of populations and concentration camps, as well as food rationing in the west, all concepts familiar to socialists and communist enforcers. He said that the ideas were deliberately extreme in order to make what actually comes out of the conference look reasonable and rational so that “we almost breathe a sigh of relief when the world government takes over.”
Watch the interview below.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.
Labels: climate summit, Paul Joseph Watson
Following their own guidelines will not get you anywhere because they make the rules up as they go along
The latest case of TSA tyranny to hit the headlines comes in the form of a young mother who was subjected to enhanced groping and then shut inside a screening box for almost an hour by agents after she refused to allow them to put her breast milk through an x-ray device, a legitimate request that is even written into the TSA’s own guidelines.
The ordeal, which took place at Phoenix airport earlier this year, was captured on security cameras, which Stacey Armato, who is also a lawyer, gained access to, but only after repeated requests and careful editing by the TSA had taken place.
After being told that her breast milk might have to be put through an x-ray scanner, Ms Armato attempted to show the TSA agents a print out of their own guidelines allowing non x-ray screening for breast milk. This act of serious disobedience resulted in the agent pushing Ms Armato into a glass cage, telling her “to be quiet if you know what’s good for you”, while calling for “back up”.
“Standing 50 ft away are the same manager and supervisor I had dealt with the previous week.” Ms Armato writes in her description of events, referring to a previous 30 minute delay at the security gate for the exact same reason.
After being shut in the box for some 20 minutes, in full public view of other passengers, Ms Armato began to cry and remonstrate with TSA agents. She was then approached by a police officer who told her that she had been singled out by TSA agents who recognized her because she had filed a complaint against them regarding the handling of her breast milk the previous week.
Ms Armato writes:
About 10 minutes into all this, a Phoenix PD comes to calm me down. I explain to him that there is no reason I should be treated this way and I have every right to be upset.
He then says “they” (aka TSA) saw me coming, have it out for me (from my complaint against TSA the week before when they didn’t know the breast milk rules then either), and I should travel out of a different gate in future weeks.
He said TSA wants me to play along with their horse and pony show and if I don’t then TSA can have the Phoenix PD arrest me! Well, I wanted to get home to my baby and my flight was 30 minutes from departure so I ‘played along.’ Three Phoenix PD watched in the background…I could tell they all knew this was a waste of their time but I was happy to have them standing by in case TSA continued to act out of line.
Eventually Ms Armato was released from the box, and subjected to a full groping from another TSA agent.
A TSA manager then approached her and told her that the milk had to go through the x-ray scanner because the containers it was in were “too full” and it was “not a clear liquid”. These are both made up rules that are not mentioned anywhere in TSA guidelines, proving that even the TSA manager had no regard for the official laws in this instance.
The guidelines allow “Mothers flying with, and now without, their child be permitted to bring breast milk in quantities greater than three ounces as long as it is declared for inspection at the security checkpoint.”
According to TSA rules breast milk is to be treated as a medical liquid, which should not be subjected to x-ray radiation.
Ms Armato writes:
He read the first form which stated that medical liquids can have alternate screening (no x-ray). He was quick to say “well this isn’t a medical liquid!” So I had him read the second form which says breast milk is to be treated like a medical liquid. He then says, “well, not today.” I started balling all over again once he said that.
Again this is clear evidence of a TSA supervisor acting like a supreme authority and simply making up the rules as he goes along.
Ms Armato was then forced to pour out the milk into 8 different containers, only half filling each, as per the TSA’s new completely made up rule.
Because of all this, she missed her flight home to feed her hungry baby in Los Angeles.
The following video, which shows some of the lengthy screening process, was edited together by Ms Armato with the help of her family. The full unedited set of videos can be viewed at the foot of this article:
According to Ms Armato, the TSA edited out almost 30 minutes of footage, including a section where a TSA manager demanded and took down her personal information, took pictures of her breast milk and shouted at her for not watching closely as the agents tested it for explosive residue.
Ms Armato has vowed to fight the TSA on the issue.
“Southwest put me on the next flight home and, as luck would have it, I was standing in line right behind my Constitutional Law professor from my law school days. At that point I knew I needed to stand up for my rights and help myself and other mothers against the uninformed, retaliatory, and harassing TSA employees that help ‘keep us safe.’” she writes.
Last week we detailed reports of a woman being forced to remove her sanitary towel following TSA screening. These are the type of dangerous terrorists America must now be protected from.
Here is the full set of videos of the incident:
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor at Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and regular contributor to Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
Labels: body scanners, pat-down, search, Steve Watson, Transportation Security Administration, TSA
by Paul Craig Roberts
The latest one snared Osman Mohamud, a Somali-American teenager in Portland, Oregon. The Associated Press report by William Mall and Nedra Pickler (11-27-10) is headlined in Yahoo News: "Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Oregon."
This is a misleading headline as the report makes it clear that it was a plot orchestrated by federal agents. Two sentences into the news report we have this: "The bomb was an elaborate fake supplied by the [FBI] agents and the public was never in danger, authorities said."
The teenager was supplied with a fake bomb and a fake detonator.
Three sentences later the reporters contradict the quoted authorities with a quote from Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon: "The threat was very real."
The reporters then contradict Balizan: "White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said Saturday that president Barack Obama was aware of the FBI operation before Friday's arrest. Shapiro said Obama was assured that the FBI was in full control of the operation and that the public was not in danger."
Then Shapiro contradicts himself by declaring: "The events of the past 24 hours underscore the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism here and abroad."
The story arrives at its Kafka highpoint when President Obama thanks the FBI for its diligence in saving us from the fake plot the FBI had fabricated.
After vacillating between whether they are reporting a real plot or a orchestrated one, the reporters finally come down on the side of orchestration. Documents released by US Attorney Dwight Holton "show the sting operation began in June." Obviously, the targeted Portland teenager was not hot to trot. The FBI had to work on him for six months. The reporters compare "the Portland sting" to the recent arrest in Virginia of Faroque Ahmed who was ensnared in a "bombing plot that was a ruse conducted over the past six months by federal officials."
Think about this. The FBI did a year's work in order to convince two people to participate in fake plots.
If you are not too bright and some tough looking guys accost you and tell you that they are Al Qaeda and expect your help in a terrorist operation, you might be afraid to say no, or you might be thrilled to be part of a blowback against an American population that is indifferent to their government's slaughter of people of your ethnicity in your country of origin. Whichever way it falls, it is unlikely the ensnared person would ever have done anything beyond talk had the FBI not organized them into action. In other cases the FBI entices people with money to participate in its fake plots.
Since 9/11, the only domestic "terrorist plot" that I recall that was not obviously organized by the FBI is the "Times Square plot" to which Faisal Shahzad pleaded guilty to trying to set off a car bomb in Manhattan. This plot, too, is suspicious. One would think that a real terrorist would have a real bomb, not a smoke bomb.
In his May 19, 2009 article (reprinted Nov. 27, 2010), Joe Quinn of online site, Sott.net, collects some of the fake plots, some of which were validated by torture confessions and others by ignorant and fearful juries. The US government comes up with a plot, an accused, and tortures him until he confesses, or the government fabricates a case and takes it to jurors who know that they cannot face their neighbors if they let off a media-declared "terrorist."
Perhaps the most obvious of these cases is "the Miami seven," a hapless group of Christian-Zionist-Muslims that called themselves the "Sea of David" and were quietly living in a Florida warehouse awaiting biblical end times. Along came the FBI posing as Al Qaeda and offered them $50,000 and an Al Qaeda swearing-in ceremony.
The FBI told them that they needed to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago and various government buildings. An honest reporter at Knight Ridder revealed: "The Justice (sic) Department unveiled the arrests with an orchestrated series of news conferences in two cities, but the severity of the charges compared with the seemingly amateurish nature of the group raised concerns among civil libertarians," who noted that the group had "no weapons, no explosives."
The Justice (sic) Department and tamed media made a big show out of the "militaristic boots" worn by the hapless "plotters," but the FBI had bought the boots for them.
The biggest piece of evidence against the hapless group was that they had taken photos of "targets" in Florida, but the US government had equipped them with cameras.
The US government even rented cars for its dupes to drive to take the pictures.
It turns out that the group only wanted the $50,000, but an American jury convicted them anyhow.
When the US government has to go to such lengths to create "terrorists" out of hapless people, an undeclared agenda is being served. What could this agenda be?
The answer is many agendas. One agenda is to justify wars of aggression that are war crimes under the Nuremberg standard created by the US government itself. One way to avoid war crimes charges is to create acts of terrorism that justify the naked aggressions against "terrorist countries."
Another agenda is to create a police state. A police state can control people who object to their impoverishment for the benefit of the superrich much more easily than can a democracy endowed with constitutional civil liberties.
Another agenda is to get rich. Terror plots, whether real or orchestrated, have created a market for security. Dual Israeli citizen Michael Chertoff, former head of US Homeland Security, is the lobbyist who represents Rapiscan, the company that manufactures the full body porno-scanners that, following the "underwear bomber" event, are now filling up US airports. Homeland Security has announced that they are going to purchase the porno-scanners for trains, buses, subways, court houses, and sports events. How can shopping malls and roads escape? Recently on Interstate 20 west of Atlanta, trucks had to drive through a similar device. Everyone has forgotten that the underwear bomber lacked required documents and was escorted aboard the airliner by an official.
© Unknown Snakes in suits: ex-Homeland Security chief Chertoff and ex-AG Gonzalez The "war on terror" provides an opportunity for a few well-connected people to become very rich. If they leave Americans with a third world police state, they will be living it up in Gstaad.
This despite the fact that everyone on the planet knows that it is not lactating mothers, children, elderly people in walkers and wheelchairs, members of Congress, members of the military, nuns, and so on, who are members of Al Qaeda plotting to bring aboard a bomb in their underwear, their shoes, their shampoo and face creams.
Indeed, bombs aboard airliners are a rare event.
What is it really all about? Could it be that the US government needs terrorist events in order to completely destroy the US Constitution? On November 24, National Public Radio broadcast a report by Dina Temple-Raston: "Administration officials are looking at the possibility of codifying detention without trial and are awaiting legislation that is supposed to come out of Congress early next year." Of course, the legislation will not come out of Congress. It will be written by Homeland Security and the Justice (sic) Department. The impotent Congress will merely rubber-stamp it.
The obliteration of habeas corpus, the most necessary and important protection of liberty ever institutionalized in law and governing constitution, has become necessary for the US government, because a jury might acquit an alleged or mock "terrorist" or framed person whom the US government has declared prior to the trial will be held forever in indefinite detention even if acquitted in a US court of law. The attorney general of the United States has declared that any "terrorist" that he puts on trial who is acquitted by a jury will remain in detention regardless of the verdict. Such an event would reveal the total lawlessness of American "justice."
The United States of America, "the city upon the hill," "the light unto the world," has become Nazi Germany. It was the practice of the Gestapo to ignore court verdicts and to execute or hold indefinitely the cleared defendant in the camps. The Obama regime is in the process of completing Dick Cheney's dream by legislating the legality of indefinite detention. American law has collapsed to the dungeons of the Dark Ages.
This Nazi Gestapo policy is now the declared policy of the US Department of Justice (sic).
Anyone who thinks the United States is a free society where people have liberty, "freedom and democracy" is uninformed.
Labels: false terror, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, GlobalResearch.ca, Paul Craig Roberts
The Economic Collapse
Nov 29, 2010
It seems with each passing year the madness on Black Friday gets even worse. This year, there were reports of fights and rioting from coast to coast. It was estimated that over 180 million U.S. shoppers headed for the stores on Friday, and whenever you get that many people together there are going to be problems. But just how crazed ordinary Americans are getting over saving a little bit of money is deeply disturbing when you really start thinking about it. If people will go this wild just to save 40 percent on a television set, then what in the world are they going to do when they have been without food for a couple of days? If Americans will act like psychotic animals just to save 50 bucks, then what in the world will they do when they have lost everything and are desperate to survive?
All of us had better hope and pray that an economic collapse does not happen any time soon, because it is becoming increasingly apparent that the American people are not morally equipped to be able to handle one. Greed and selfishness have become so rampant in America that large segments of the population have totally forgotten how to be any other way.
If the United States ever experiences a really, really bad economic downturn, this nation could very quickly start looking like New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina from coast to coast. Most Americans would simply not know how to handle it.
The following are 9 shocking examples of Black Friday violence that should make all of us wonder what is happening to America….
#1 At a Target store in Buffalo, New York the crowds waiting impatiently outside suddenly became a chaotic mob once the doors opened at 4 AM on Friday morning.
One man that was lying on the ground remembers thinking “I don’t want to die here” while he was being trampled by crazed shoppers….
#2 Crowds were becoming so violent at a Wal-Mart in Sacramento, California that the police actually evacuated the store early Friday morning.
#3 Three women from West Palm Beach, Florida said that $1,000 in presents that they had just purchased at Best Buy were stolen from their vehicle on Friday morning within minutes of being purchased.
#4 One U.S. Marine reservist that was collecting toys for children was stabbed with a knife when he attempted to stop a shoplifter in eastern Georgia on Friday.
#5 Blogger Lynne Elder-Blau has posted about overhearing police officers describe a huge brawl that erupted this year at one well-known store on Black Friday….
Well, the girls and I were in a popular convenience store in Garden City last night while a store employee and a Garden City Police Department Officer were visiting. They were conversing about a large group of customers who got into a knock-down brawl at a nationally-known variety store in Garden City yesterday morning. Several police officers were brought in to break up the ball of adults who were pulling and tugging at products and actually punching other customers in their faces and stomach areas! We’re not just talking about a few people who were involved in this violent non-sense. The officer said that there was a large amount of people involved in this particular altercation. Ridiculous!!!
#6 A 21-year-old woman from Middleton, Wisconsin was arrested when she threatened to shoot other shoppers while waiting to get into a Toys R Us store for Black Friday. The other shoppers had objected when she attempted to move to the front of the line.
#7 The following is video of customers literally tearing apart a store display at a Wal-Mart in Douglasville, Georgia as they pushed and shoved each other in an attempt to grab the best deals….
#8 The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department actually “locked down” a section of a Cerritos, California shopping mall after a wild fight broke out in the food court. There were even reports that some people were flinging chairs at other customers.
#9 At one Wal-Mart in Texas, a near-riot broke out right in the middle of the store as a huge crowd of customers pushed and shoved each other to get a handful of Black Friday deals that were being wheeled out to the floor….
If you want to see even more videos of Black Friday craziness, check out this and this.
Remember, the products that these Americans are fighting over are not free. This is how crazy people are willing to go just to get a deep discount on an item.
So what is going to happen someday when people are desperate for food or shelter?
If this is how people act when the sun is shining, how are they going to behave once a really bad storm arrives?
In America today, fewer and fewer people are treating others the way that they would like to be treated themselves.
Instead of showing others kindness and respect, in 2010 most Americans would seemingly rather trample anyone who is in the way of getting what they want.
So what do you think? Are Americans becoming more greedy and more selfish or are they basically “good” and “decent” people most of the time? Feel free to leave a comment with your opinion….
Labels: The Economic Collapse Blog
Monday, November 29, 2010
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." ~Thomas Jefferson
According to Foodforfreedom
S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US
1. It puts all US food and all US farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency
2. It would end US sovereignty over its own food supply by insisting on compliance with the WTO, thus threatening national security.
3. It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening US security
4. It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations
Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food
Since the story first broke, a lot has happened. One reason for this could be that food is being poisoned. Collecting rainwater is now illegal in many states. Your intake is being controlled. For more information, visit the following articles as well:
S 510 is hissing in the grass
By Steve Green
S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
"If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one's choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God." ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower
Labels: S.510
Labels: Food Safety bill, S.510
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thank You TSA for Protecting Us From The Terrorists...
More than 100,000 people gather in Dublin to demonstrate against four-year austerity plan to reduce debts
More than 100,000 Irish citizens took to the streets of Dublin today to protest against the international bailout and four years of austerity.
Despite overnight snow storms and freezing temperatures, huge crowds have gathered in O'Connell Street to demonstrate against the cuts aimed at driving down Ireland's colossal national debt...
[Full Article]A potentially harmful chemical commonly found in plastic baby bottles is to be banned from their manufacture from next year.
Tests show that Bisphenol A (BPA) can leach from the bottle into any liquid it contains, with potentially damaging results. The organic compound is believed to affect development in young children.
The European Union yesterday approved the ban, which will come into effect in Europe next year...
[Full Article]Labels: Bisphenol A, BPA, EU, European Union
Though it's a controversial assertion, observers often point to a link between acts of terrorism and poverty.
In the case of Mohamed Osman Mohamud, the 19-year-old arrested Friday for allegedly trying to blow up an Oregon Christmas tree lighting ceremony, the FBI itself may have created that link.
According to the New York Times, the FBI placed Mohamud on a terror watch list, making it impossible for the young man to fly to Alaska to take a summer job. It was only after Mohamud was blocked from taking the job in June of this year that the FBI -- which had been monitoring him since 2009 -- made contact with the suspect...
[Full Article]Labels: Christmas Tree bomber, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Boy told undercover agents he could get a gun because he's a "rapper"; authored article containing "jihad" workout tips
An Somali-born, American teenager was apparently set up by federal law enforcement officials who posed as radical Islamic fighters and lured the young man into a plot he believed would lead him to detonate a car bomb at an Oregon Christmas tree lighting ceremony.
The bomb, provided by FBI agents, was "inert" and did not pose a threat to public safety, according to the US Attorney's Office in Oregon.
Oddly enough, Arthur Balizan, an FBI agent in Oregon, contradicted the US Attorney's Office, suggesting that the threat posed by 19-year-old Mohamed Osman Mohamud "was very real."
Except: "[At] every turn," he explained, "we denied him the ability to actually carry out the attack."
The story rings devastatingly familiar when stacked next to the tale of Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a Jordanian man arrested in 2009, at age 19, for allegedly planning to detonate a car bomb in a Dallas skyscraper.
Each boy was led down the path to imagined violence by federal agents, with authorities ultimately providing fake bombs in both cases. Smadi and Mohamud, officials claim, expressed a desire to engage in terrorist attacks before agents began luring them in...
[Full Article]Labels: Christmas Tree bomber, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Activist Post
The average person can barely imagine why World War III would be anything but a civilization-ending event. And, yet, we have heard Neocons ramping up rhetoric that suggests a new world war would be a viable option to correct a dying dollar and economy. Or, perhaps it is simply a sound investment if you are a Globalist.
RAND Corporation documents point to a desire for total war abroad and at home. The recent reactivation of North and South Korea tensions could be a potential catalyst in an East-West World War scenario possibly involving nukes. However, the next World War doesn't necessarily need to be a conflagration; it could be a steady, slow, coldly calculated design to plunge the globe into austerity and totalitarian control through regulations such as those proposed by Codex Alimentarius and Agenda 21.
So, if one puts on the thinking cap of a sociopath, one might find the following 6 reasons are perfect to start World War III, by nukes or by stealth, and further the agenda of world governance...
[Full Article]
Labels: ActivistPost.com
The FBI Has a History of Creating Terrorists, to Terrorize Americans
Daily News @ http://RevolutionNews.US ~ Why do we allow the Feds to not only create terrorists, but use them to scare us?
Then they parade the so-called terrorists all over the news, claiming they foiled a plot that the Feds actually created themselves... and the media praises them? And congress gives them more funding?
They choose to use troubled teens as patsies and for their own benefit ...rather than help them!
1993 WTC Bombing, Christmas Underwear Bomber, NY Bomber, Dallas Bomber, etc.. etc... etc
X-MAS TREE BOMBER: Teen Charged, FBI Stings Terrorist Bomb Plot In Oregon at Christmas Lighting... The Christmas Tree Bomber... what a fucking joke... what's next, the New Year's Eve Anal Apple Bomber? Then the Easter Egg Sack Bomber?
Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a naturalized U.S. citizen of Corvallis, Oregon is accused of trying to set a van off with a mock bomb remote given to him by the FBI during a crowded Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon over the weekend.
On Friday, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, was arrested after authorities derived a plan after placing him under surveillance. The 19 year-old is stated to have been planning for more than a year to harm both adults and children in a huge gathering.
According to reports, Mohamud had been under surveillance and it was identified that coded email had been transferred between Mohamud and an associate who hadn't been indicted in the Pakistan's Northwest Frontier region who then referred Mohamud to another associate. In addition to the email transfers, Mohamud allegedly was also planning to prepare himself for a violent jihad when he visited Pakistan.
Meanwhile, an undercover FBI approached Mohamud and informed him of a plan to set-off a Christmas bombing, which Mohamud accepted a white van that he thought contained 55-gallon drums with detonation cords and plastic caps. What Mohamed Osman Mohamud didn't know at the time that none of it was real except for the white van.
Mohamed is reported to have parked that van near the event and attempted to set off the explosion through the device that was given to him by the FBI agent, but it was a dud and nothing happened.
The FBI and the Portland police arrested him after he was told by the undercover agent to get out of the car to improve the signal.
Labels: Christmas Tree bomber, FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, RevolutionNews.com
Forget concealed guns, knives, explosives, the real threat comes from gladrags

Via Fly With Dignity (Left image courtesy David Vincent Wolf, right image courtesy Max Trombly)
Steve Watson
Thursday, Nov 25th, 2010
Menstruating women beware. If you intend to travel, your panty-liners are now considered suspicious objects, after all you could be concealing a bomb in there.
The latest insane TSA transgression answers questions that were raised last week when it was revealed naked body scanners can also detect sanitary napkins.
New York Times reporter Joe Sharkey wrote Monday that he was getting a lot of requests for information from female frequent fliers.
“Do the imagers, for example, detect sanitary napkins?” women wanted to know. “Yes,” wrote Sharkey.
“Does that then necessitate a pat-down? The TSA couldn’t say. Screeners, the TSA has said, are expected to exercise some discretion.” the article continued.
“And what about tampons?” asked the blog Feminist Peace Network. “They look kind of like sticks of dynamite. Are they going to ask us to pull them out and show them just to be sure?”
The answer, judging from one woman’s written testimony, seems to be yes.
A customer of popular women’s health company, Gladrags, relayed her recent experience at the hands of the TSA via email.
In short, she was asked to walk through a radiation firing naked body scanner and complied. The scanner produced a naked image of her, but because her sanitary towel was obscuring her most intimate parts from prying eyes, the TSA agents pulled her aside for a full groin search. Not something to be relished by any person, let alone someone who has previously suffered sexual assault.
Here is the woman’s email in full:
“This email isn’t going to be as polished as I would normally send, but I’m upset and I don’t want what happened to me to happen to anyone else (if I can stop it).
I recently traveled via air, and was subjected to that new scanning device. “No problem,” I thought. I was wearing jeans and a linen tanktop, bra, panties, and one camouflage pantyliner.
I’m a rule follower, so I never have any problems at the airport. Not this time. I was stopped, and then held for 15 minutes while they tried to find a female supervisor. I couldn’t get to my bag, my shawl or my shoes; just standing there while the TSA agents kept me in one place.
Now, I don’t want this to be about bad TSA agents; they were doing their job, they were as delicate as they could be, etc., etc. But what ultimately happened is that I was subjected to search so invasive that I was left crying and dealing with memories that I thought had been dealt with years ago of prior sexual assaults.
Because of my flannel panty-liner. These new scans are so horrible that if you are wearing something unusual (like a piece of cloth on your panties) then you will be subjected to a search where a woman repeatedly has to check your “groin” while another woman watches on (two in my case – they were training in a new girl – awesome).
So please, please, tell the ladies not to wear their liners at the airport (I didn’t even have an insert in). I’m a strong, confident woman; I’m an Army vet (which is why those camo liners crack me up), I work full-time and go to graduate school full-time, I have a wonderful husband, and I don’t take any nonsense from anyone. I don’t dramatize, and I don’t exaggerate. I’m trying to give you a sense of who I am so you won’t think that this is a plea for attention, or a jumping on the bandwagon about the recent TSA proposed boycott.
I just don’t want another woman to have to go through the “patting down” because she didn’t know that her glad-rag would be a matter of national security.”
Chalk up another ritual humiliation at the hands of the TSA, protecting us from terrorists by forcing women to remove their underwear napkins and groping their vaginas in public.
When will this insanity end?
Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor at Alex Jones’ Infowars.net, and regular contributor to Prisonplanet.com. He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.
Labels: body scanners, pat-down, Transportation Security Administration, TSA
Big Sis Wants Behavior Scanners At Sports Events, Malls - Alex Jones Tv
Paul Joseph Watson
November 24, 2010
Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano admitted yesterday that body scanners would eventually find their way into U.S. public transportation, trains and boats, but Big Sis is already beta-testing technology that goes even further, by forcing Americans to undergo a behavioral interrogation before they are allowed to enter sports events, rock concerts and shopping malls.
"I think the tighter we get on aviation, we have to also be thinking now about going on to mass transit or to trains or maritime. So, what do we need to be doing to strengthen our protections there?" said Napolitano, indicating that naked body scanners and invasive pat downs will eventually become a necessity in order to merely catch the subway or ride a bus.
Indeed, mobile body scanners have already hit the streets, with "more than 500 backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles to see their contents" having been sold to government agencies," reports Forbes.
American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold many of the devices to U.S. law enforcement agencies, who are already using them on the streets for "security" purposes.
However, body and vehicle scanners are just one tool authorities plan to implement on a widespread basis as part of our deepening decline into a hi-tech militarized police state.
Homeland Security is already implementing technology to be enforced at "security events" which purportedly reads "malintent" on behalf of an individual who passes through a checkpoint. The video below explains how "Future Attribute Screening Technology" (FAST) checkpoints will conduct "physiological" and "behavioral" tests in order to weed out suspected terrorists and criminals.
Big Sis wants to know if there are any evil thoughts inside your head before they allow you to go about your business.
The clip shows individuals who attend "security events" being led into trailers before they are interrogated as to whether they are terrorists while lie detector-style computer programs analyze their physiological responses. The subjects are asked about their whereabouts, and if they are attempting to smuggle bombs or recording devices into the "expo," proving that the technology is intended to be used at public events and not just airports. Individuals who do not satisfy the first lie detector-style test are then asked "additional questions".
Americans will be mandated to prove to the government that they are well-behaved slaves before they are allowed to do anything.
"The best thing about FAST is its portability," points out Howard Portnoy. "If the Big Sis has a mind, they can park an MMR (mobile miner reader—my own acronym) outside the local mall, the petting zoo ... you name it, and the government will be there to tap into your brainwaves and find out whether you're naughty or nice."
The use of such technology is not only a complete violation of the Fourth Amendment, it also eviscerates the notion of innocent until proven guilty, and therefore totally undermines everything America stands for. Given the widespread abuse witnessed in the first year alone after the roll out of airport body scanners, Americans need to boycott the companies producing these systems and also resist their deployment at every turn.
Big Sis has made it clear that everything we see in the airport, from invasive groping to body scanners to iris scans, is eventually destined to be rolled out on the streets. When this happens, people who thought they could avoid such treatment by simply refusing to fly will instead discover that their apathy has greased the skids for a total surveillance society that outstrips anything they read about in George Orwell's 1984 or saw in movies like Minority Report.
Labels: Alex Jones, big brother, body scanners, Department of Homeland Security, DHS, Homeland Security, video
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Somoli-born Teen Arrested: Another Provocateured Patsy Entrapped by the FBI
Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot
Kurt Nimmo
November 27, 2010
They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees – or at least that’s what the FBI and cops in Oregon would have you believe.
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They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees. | |
“The FBI thwarted an attempted terrorist bombing in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square before the city’s annual tree-lighting Friday night, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon,” The Oregonian reports. “A Corvallis man, thinking he was going to ignite a bomb, drove a van to the corner of the square at Southwest Yamhill Street and Sixth Avenue and attempted to detonate it.”
Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a Somali-born U.S. citizen, had a little help from the FBI. “The arrest was the culmination of a long-term undercover operation, during which Mohamud had been monitored for months as his alleged bomb plot developed.”
In a repeat of a now familiar pattern, the FBI told Mohamud they were building the bomb. They went so far as to travel to a remote spot in Lincoln County, Oregon, where a bomb concealed in a backpack was detonated as a trial run for the upcoming Christmas tree attack. The FBI eagerly assisted their clueless mark when he decided to shoot a video explaining his half-witted act.
Mohamud and the FBI operative agreed to meet in Portland where Mohamud allegedly told the FBI operative that he had written articles that were published in Jihad Recollections, an online magazine that advocated holy war against American infidels and assorted Christmas revelers.
Mr. Mohmud’s mentally disturbed fantasy fueled by the FBI is reminiscent of the Christmas Day non-bombing attributed to Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who it is said planned to take down an airliner over Detroit in spectacular fashion by igniting his underwear.
According to the FBI affidavit, Mohamud’s absurd bomb plot began in August 2009 when he contacted by email an unknown associate overseas said to be involved in terrorist activities. In December 2009, while the mysterious associate was in a frontier province of Pakistan, Mohamud and the associate discussed the possibility of Mohamud traveling to Pakistan to participate in violent jihad.
Pakistan’s intelligence service, the ISI, is notorious for creating and running jihad terrorists groups under the supervision of the CIA. In late 2009, General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the general director of the ISI, presented CIA boss Leon E. Panetta with “some highly classified and irrefutable evidence” that the mega-snoop agency is involved in creating and running supposed terror groups in Pakistan. “The proof about instances of covert US support to some hardened militant outfits and terrorist activities they carried out over the past few weeks and months were presented to Panetta,” writes Zahid Malik for the Pakistan Observer.
The CIA effort to construct a Muslim terrorist archetype emerged following the Soviet-Afghan war, a multi-billion dollar effort that was part of a CIA covert agenda initiated during the Carter administration by then national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. The CIA operative Osama bin Laden, aka Tim Osman, would serve as a model for all Islamic terrorists and demented suicide bombers to come. It is interesting to note that Mr. Mohamud’s middle name is Osman.
Mohamud was clueless right up until the moment he pressed a button on his cell phone. He thought this would blow up the Portland Christmas tree and kill infidels, but instead it brought in the cops. “Yelling ‘Allahu Akbar!’ – Arabic for ‘God is great!’ — Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken into custody, according to prosecutors,” reports the Independent Online.
“Mohamud, a naturalized US citizen living in Corvallis, was charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. A court appearance was set for Monday. Few details were available about him late Friday.”
“The threat was very real,” said Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon. “Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale.”
There is no shortage of psycho nut cases absolutely committed to maiming and killing large numbers of people. Very few of them, however, are particularly useful for a government determined to keep the terrorist swindle going for as long as possible. The Global War On Terror mill needs a constant stream of patsies and dim wits to keep the charade in motion.
It takes a special kind of patsy. One capable of actually deluding himself into believing there are jihadists in Pakistan who believe blowing up a Christmas tree makes logistical sense in the war against the Great Satan. One stupid enough to believe FBI agents are Islamic terrorists and the chimera known as al-Qaeda is actually a global terror organization and not a ruse named after a Mujahideen database.
FBI thwarts terrorist bombing attempt at Portland holiday tree lighting, authorities say (OregonLive.com)
Somali-Born Teenager Held in Oregon Bomb Sting (New York Times)
Feds: Somali-born teen plotted car-bombing in Ore. (Associated Press )
Somali-American accused of plotting to bomb Oregon tree-lighting event (CNN)
Feds: Somali-Born Teen Plotted Car-Bombing in Oregon (FoxNews)
Feds: Somali-Born Teen Plotted Car-Bombing in Ore. (ABC News)
Feds Arrest Somali Teen in Oregon Bomb Plot (CBS News)
Somali-born teen arrested in car bomb plot (MSNBC.com )
Labels: Christmas Tree bomber, Mohamed Osman Mohamud, Oregon
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