Friday, July 30, 2010
Media mogul lectures on “the future of news”
Steve Watson
Friday, Jul 30th, 2010
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is to make a keynote address this evening before the Annual Bohemian Club secret gathering – a lifetime achievement for a man who has long been groomed for power by the globalist elite.
Schwarzenegger will speak in front of hundreds of movers and shakers at the 2,700-acre wooded encampment along the Russian River in Monte Rio.
The plutocrats will no doubt be eager to hear from the man that they hand picked to become California Governor in 2003, a fact that was reported in the San Francisco Chronicle at the time.
Schwarzenegger has since been a regular attendee at the Grove, but this will be the first time he has delivered a main event address at the elite hideout.
The news was reported as part of a puff piece on the grove in the Santa Rosa based Newspaper, The Press Democrat.
The article paints the Grove as some kind of fund-raising arts variety festival, when in reality it is the setting for top powerbrokers to knock their heads together on issues directly affecting world events, in between frolicking naked, urinating on giant Redwood trees and engaging in bizarre rituals.
The Manhattan Project was conceived at the Grove in the early 1940s, and Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan met there in 1967 and agreed who would seek the presidency first.
Other members include George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller, Colin Powell, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and former secretaries of state George Shultz and James Baker.
In the past former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has attended the gathering, while in 2008 just months before the election, it was rumoured that both Barack Obama and John McCain attended.
In 2000 Alex Jones infiltrated the encampment and caught exclusive video footage of a bizarre mock human sacrifice ritual, known as “the cremation of care”, under a 40 foot stone owl that the members refer to as Molech.
Attendees dress up like Klan members in hooded robes and perform druidic pagan ceremonies to mark the spectacular finale of the event.
Nixon is on record discussing homosexual activity at the Grove, whilst it is also documented that male and female porn stars and prostitutes are shipped in for the annual retreat.
A reader who got a summer job working at the Grove in 2005, Chris Jones, reported that he was regularly propositioned for sex by the old men attending the encampment and asked if he “slept around” and wanted to have some fun.
Jones was later sentenced to three years in jail by California authorities for simply showing a tape of his visit to minors.
The New York Times is the only mainstream news source to have covered the Grove this year, with the usual sardonic whitewash piece that ridicules anyone who has reservations or questions regarding the weird rituals that the robed attendees engage in:
“…the requisite summer-camp assembly of robed men, a 40-foot concrete owl, and a body burned in effigy (conspiracy theorists note: it is not a real body)… no, conspiracy theorists, the owl does not represent a demonic idol or any potato-chip concern.”
Oh I see, it’s not a real body, that’s perfectly normal then – after all, who doesn’t sneak out into the woods in a black robe and burn human effigies with their friends. every once in a while?
The piece also notes that some reporters have managed to sneak into the Grove in the past, and refers to Alex Jones’ infiltration in 2000:
“some returned with reports of drunken, gray-haired sophomores, while at least one saw evidence of the Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati and Beelzebub himself.”
It also revels in a lack of protesters outside this year’s gathering:
“For most of the last 30 years, protesters by the dozens and hundreds have agitated outside this dark-wooded lair… Yet the ritual on this day includes only one protester, bearded, lanky Brian Romanoff, 28, who has been working mostly alone since the two-week encampment began on July 16. He says he has adopted a nonconfrontational approach, better to spread the truth about the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings.”
The writer, Dan Barry, gives away his intentions when he refers to the fact that The Bohemian Club has appointed a public relations consultant, Sam Singer, who is clearly the source of the piece.
Another key note speaker at the Grove this year was Newscorp CEO Rupert Murdoch, who reportedly discussed “the future of news” earlier in the week, following revelations that his new paywall at the London Times has thus far resulted in dismal failure.
No doubt Murdoch had much to say about the rise of the alternative media and the blogosphere, and the threat to the elite monopoly on information that its exponential success constitutes.
Watch Alex Jones discuss the shocking footage he obtained during his 2000 infiltration of the Grove:
Labels: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bohemian Grove, Rupert Murdoch
Kurt Nimmo
July 30, 2010 received an email today from a pilot for a major airline who claims all passengers are now forced through naked body scanners in El Paso, Texas. “‘I’m a pilot for a major airline and overnighted in El Paso. Came to the airport the next day and everyone except for crew and airport employees were sent through the scanners. Stood there for a while and did not see anyone sent through the metal detectors,” the pilot writes.
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“Came to the airport the next day and everyone except for crew and airport employees were sent through the scanners,” a pilot tells | |
On July 20, the El Paso Times reported that security employees at the El Paso International Airport are using naked body scanners as the primary method of screening passengers. “The U.S. Transportation Security Administration has blocked entrances to metal detectors. Officials now instruct all travelers to get in line at one of the three imaging detection scanners,” writes Adriana Gómez Licón. Signs at the airport deceptively indicate the scanning technique is optional.
“TSA officials declined to give a reason why body scanners are being used but metal detectors are not. They unveiled the body scanners in June. Until recently, passengers were randomly chosen for the scanners.”
Companies such as Southwest Airlines have warned passengers about new procedures and advised them to be at airports two hours before their flight’s scheduled departure time, according to the El Paso Times.
In February, the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety, which includes the European Commission, International Atomic Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency and the World Health Organization, said that the government must inform air passengers about any health risks posed by naked body scanners. In response, the TSA claims the imaging technology is completely safe. “Recognized standards bodies have known standards on health and safety for this type of equipment,” the agency said in a statement. “TSA complies with those national health and safety standards.”
In June, Dr. David Brenner, head of the center for radiological research at Columbia University in New York, criticized government studies claiming the scanners are not a health risk. Brenner said children and passengers with genetic mutations are most at risk because they are less able to repair X-ray damage to their cells. “The population risk has the potential to be significant,” he said.
The majority of complaints about the machines, however, focus on the invasion of privacy. “Many frequent fliers complain they’re time-consuming or invade their privacy. The world’s airlines say they shouldn’t be used for primary security screening. And questions are being raised about possible effects on passengers’ health,” USA Today reported earlier this month. “Opposition to new full-body imaging machines to screen passengers and the government’s deployment of them at most major airports is growing,” the newspaper adds.
For the government, opposition to naked body scanners is not an issue. El Paso appears to be a beta test for what is to come around the country — forcing all passengers to submit to government intrusion of not only privacy but also compromising the health of the American public under the rubric of a war on manufactured terrorism.
Labels: body scanners, El Paso, Texas
Kurt Nimmo
July 30, 2010
Glenn Beck, the Fox News talking heads, and no shortage of Tea Party activists like to characterize Barry Obama as a Marxist. In an article gaining a lot of traction across the blogosphere, Wayne Allyn Root, who considers himself a Libertarian Republican, says Obama is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure in order to turn the U.S. into a socialist/Marxist state.
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So-called conservatives keep chanting the mantra that Obama is a Marxist. | |
Obamacare, cap-and-trade, legalizing 12 million illegal aliens, increased taxation, and endless bailouts and stimulus boondoggles, Root argues, are schemes designed to overwhelm the system and pave the way for a Marxist takeover of America.
It cannot be denied these schemes will destroy America. It also cannot be denied they are intentional. However, it has nothing to do with Marxism.
Marx advocated a proletarian revolution. He said that in order to overcome the restraint of private property the working class must seize political power through a social revolution and expropriate the capitalist classes around the world and place the productive capacities of society into collective ownership. Marx said the ultimate goal is a a classless and stateless form of communism beneficial to the interests of the proletariat or the working class.
Is it possible the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs operatives in the Obama administration truly desire a communist revolution as Glenn Beck and Wayne Allyn Root insist?
During the 2008 election cycle, Goldman Sachs donated nearly a million bucks to Obama. Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase donated nearly $1.5 million to the Obama campaign while Morgan Stanley pitched in over a half million dollars. “When you break it out by individual companies, you find that employees of Goldman Sachs gave more to Obama than workers of any other employer. The Goldman Sachs geniuses are followed by employees of the University of California, UBS, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, National Amusements, Lehman Brothers, Harvard and Google. At many of these workplaces, Obama has a three- or four-to-one fund-raising advantage over McCain,” the New York Times wrote on July 1, 2008.
Is it possible all these folks are clueless about the supposed Marxist philosophy of Obama? Is it possible transnational corporations and international banks savvy enough to game the system for trillions of dollars support a communist system that would ultimately strip them of that wealth?
Goldman along with the Federal Reserve rule the Obama administration. William C. Dudley was the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a partner and managing director at Goldman. Gary Gensler, chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, spent 18 years at Goldman. Mark Patterson, chief of staff to Tim Geithner, is a former Goldman lobbyist. Philip Murphy, nominated for ambassador to Germany, is a former Goldman executive. Diana Farrell, deputy director of the National Economic Council, is a former Goldman employee. Emil Michael, White House fellow, used to be an investment banker at Goldman.
Obama functionaries are connected to the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, two organizations established to implement world government. Tim Geithner, Susan Rice, Pete Peterson, Gen. James Jones, Thomas Donilion, Paul Volker, Dennis Blair, Richard Haass, Dennis Ross, Richard Holbrooke and others have connections to the Trilateral Commission, the Federal Reserve, the CFR, and Bilderbergers.
“We can be quite sure that somewhere between 400 to 500 high-level members of the Obama administration will be members of the CFR. How can we say that? Because that’s about how many CFR members occupy the current Bush administration (beginning with Vice President Dick Cheney, an in-again, out-again member of the CFR board of directors). And about the same number occupied posts in the Clinton administration,” John F. McManus wrote in November of 2008 after Obama was selected to be the front man for the banksters.
Obama’s mischaracterized socialism is a control mechanism created by the bankers. It has nothing to do with liberating downtrodden workers. The Soviet system was financed by Wall Street, as Rep. Louis T. McFadden, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee throughout the 1920-30s, explained: “The course of Russian history has, indeed, been greatly affected by the operations of international bankers… The Soviet Government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board… acting through the Chase Bank.”
The late Antony Sutton’s exhaustive research demonstrates how Wall Street bankers supported and financed the Russian revolution, supported the Soviet Union financially, technologically and military both before and after the Second World War, and also supported Hitler and Nazi Germany financially and military both before and during the Second World War.
The monopoly men who exported jobs from America to slave labor gulags in China and are now in the process of looting the financial system are not dedicated Marxists. The late Gary Allen wrote:
If you wanted to control the nation’s manufacturing, commerce, finance, transportation and natural resources, you would need only to control the apex, the power pinnacle, of an all-powerful socialist government. Then you would have a monopoly and could squeeze out all your competitors. If you wanted a national monopoly, you must control a national socialist government. If you want… a worldwide monopoly, you must control a world socialist government. That is what the game is all about. “Communism” is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world…. first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a “Great Merger,” into an all-powerful world, socialist super-state.
The Obama banker-CFR-Trilat-Bilderberg administration is the process of forging this “Great Merger” and is moving inexorably toward an all-powerful world, socialist super-state. Obama’s socialism will not emancipate the workers of America. It will further impoverish and enslave them.
As we approach the mid-term elections, the deceptive claim that Obama is a Marxist will pick up steam and will be exploited by the Tea Party movement as it attempts to get Republicans masquerading as patriots and constitutionalists elected to office.
Glenn Beck and Wayne Allyn Root need to reexamine and stop chanting the ludicrous Obama is a Marxist mantra and point out what Obama really is — a sock puppet reading a teleprompter for his employer: the control freaks at the international banks and multinational corporations.
Labels: bankers, Barack Obama, Kurt Nimmo, Marxist
Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
July 30, 2010
The grocery store, along with your kitchen sink, are two of the most dangerous places in the world.
In a special video, Alex Jones addresses one of the darkest modes of power the globalists have used to control the population– food. The adulteration of the planet’s staple crops, genetically-altered species and intentionally-altered water, food and air all amount to a Eugenics operation to weaken the masses and achieve full spectrum domination.
PART 1/2
People the world over, but especially in the United States are under chemical attack. Deadly and dangerous toxins ranging from Aspartame to Fluoride, GMO, Mercury-tainting, pesticides, cross-species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon have all entered into our diets and environments– whether we want it or not.
PART 2/2
Many of these substances knowingly cause or are linked with sterility, low birth weight, miscarriages, smaller or deformed offspring, as well as organ failure, cancer, brain tumors and Death itself, what you DON’T know about on your grocery shelves can hurt you. Further, Alex demonstrates that a pattern of buried studies, fraudulent statistics and a will reduce global population all point to the deliberate criminal poisoning of the food and water supply.
Suffer no fools if those you show refuse to believe what is going on. Instead, research these important areas for yourself, and warn those you love about need to stop their food from being used as a Depopulation-weapon against us all. Please share this important video with everyone, so the truth about these substances can be known.
Labels: Aaron Dykes, Alex Jones, depopulation, eugenics, food, video
How Ironic...Prince Charles Wants To "Save The World"...And His Father Wants To Kill It...
The Prince of Wales says he believes he has been placed on Earth as future King ‘for a purpose’ - to save the world.
Giving a fascinating insight into his view of his inherited wealth and influence, he said: ‘I can only somehow imagine that I find myself being born into this position for a purpose.
‘I don’t want my grandchildren or yours to come along and say to me, “Why the hell didn’t you come and do something about this? You knew what the problem was”. That is what motivates me.
‘I wanted to express something in the outer world that I feel inside... We seem to have lost that understanding of the whole of nature and the universe as a living entity.’

Green champion: Prince Charles, a long-term committed supporter of the environment, says the modern world has lost the understanding of nature
His impassioned comments come during a film about his belief that unbridled commerce has led to the destruction of farmland and countryside...
[Full Article]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Webmaster - This statement by Prince Charles is quite ironic since his father, Prince Philip, a "big-time" eugenicist, expressed the following desire with this quote:
Labels: environmentalism, eugenics, Prince Charles, Prince Philip
Washington, DC ( -- The Obama administration has approved the bid by cloning company Geron to undertake the first trial involving the use of embryonic stem cells in humans. They have never been used before in people because the cells cause tumors and have immune system rejection issues when tried in animals.
Scientists and pro-life advocates say human embryonic stem cells are not ready for trial because problems associated with the cells in animals haven't been solved. The embryonic stem cells still cause tumors and have issues with the immune system rejecting the injection of the cells...
[Full Article]
Labels: stem cells
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – A Florida inmate is suing the man he's convicted of burglarizing, claiming the man and two others roughed him up during a citizen's arrest.
Michael Dupree is serving a 12-year sentence for burglary and cocaine possession stemming from a 2007 break-in of a van in St. Petersburg. Dupree allegedly stole a bicycle locked inside and was apprehended after the owner, Anthony McKoy, saw him with the bike down the street.
Dupree says McKoy and two others pointed a gun at him, handcuffed him and placed a knee painfully in his back. He's seeking $500,000 for disabilities and distress suffered during the takedown.
Dupree filed the civil lawsuit on his own, without the help of an attorney.
After being served with the suit, McKoy said, "I thought it was a joke. I'm the victim."
Information from: St. Petersburg Times,
Labels: Florida, law suit, St. Petersburg
The largest U.S. websites are installing new and intrusive consumer-tracking technologies on the computers of people visiting their sites—in some cases, more than 100 tracking tools at a time—a Wall Street Journal investigation has found.
The tracking files represent the leading edge of a lightly regulated, emerging industry of data-gatherers who are in effect establishing a new business model for the Internet: one based on intensive surveillance of people to sell data about, and predictions of, their interests and activities, in real time. The Journal's study shows the extent to which Web users are in effect exchanging personal data for the broad access to information and services that is a defining feature of the Internet.The Journal's study shows the extent to which Web users are in effect exchanging personal data for the broad access to information and services that is a defining feature of the Internet.
In an effort to quantify the reach and sophistication of the tracking industry, the Journal examined the 50 most popular websites in the U.S. to measure the quantity and capabilities of the "cookies," "beacons" and other trackers installed on a visitor's computer by each site. Together, the 50 sites account for roughly 40% of U.S. page-views.
The 50 sites installed a total of 3,180 tracking files on a test computer used to conduct the study. Only one site, the encyclopedia, installed none. Twelve sites, including IAC/InterActive Corp.'s, Comcast Corp.'s and Microsoft Corp.'s, installed more than 100 tracking tools apiece in the course of the Journal's test.
The Journal also surveyed its own site,, which doesn't rank among the top 50 by visitors. installed 60 tracking files, slightly below the 64 average for the top 50 sites.
Some two-thirds of the tracking tools installed—2,224—came from 131 companies that, for the most part, are in the business of following Internet users to create rich databases of consumer profiles that can be sold. The companies that placed the most such tools were Google Inc., Microsoft. and Quantcast Corp., all of which are in the business of targeting ads at people online...
[Full Article]Labels: big brother, Internet, privacy, tracking
A Journal investigation finds that one of the fastest-growing businesses on the Internet is the business of spying on consumers. First in a series.
Hidden inside Ashley Hayes-Beaty's computer, a tiny file helps gather personal details about her, all to be put up for sale for a tenth of a penny.
The file consists of a single code— 4c812db292272995e5416a323e79bd37—that secretly identifies her as a 26-year-old female in Nashville, Tenn.
The code knows that her favorite movies include "The Princess Bride," "50 First Dates" and "10 Things I Hate About You." It knows she enjoys the "Sex and the City" series. It knows she browses entertainment news and likes to take quizzes.
"Well, I like to think I have some mystery left to me, but apparently not!" Ms. Hayes-Beaty said when told what that snippet of code reveals about her. "The profile is eerily correct."
Ms. Hayes-Beaty is being monitored by Lotame Solutions Inc., a New York company that uses sophisticated software called a "beacon" to capture what people are typing on a website—their comments on movies, say, or their interest in parenting and pregnancy. Lotame packages that data into profiles about individuals, without determining a person's name, and sells the profiles to companies seeking customers. Ms. Hayes-Beaty's tastes can be sold wholesale (a batch of movie lovers is $1 per thousand) or customized (26-year-old Southern fans of "50 First Dates").
"We can segment it all the way down to one person," says Eric Porres, Lotame's chief marketing officer.
One of the fastest-growing businesses on the Internet, a Wall Street Journal investigation has found, is the business of spying on Internet users...
[Full Article]Labels: big brother, marketing, privacy, spying
NEW YORK ( -- Unilever's Omo detergent is adding an unusual ingredient to its two-pound detergent box in Brazil: a GPS device that allows its promotions agency Bullet to track shoppers and follow them to their front doors.

Omo accounts for half of Brazil's detergent sales and is already found in 80% of homes there, so Unilever's goal is more to draw attention to a new stain-fighting version of Omo and get it talked about rather than looking for a big increase in sales...
[Full Article]Labels: big brother, Brazil, GPS, privacy, stalking

The middle class in America may soon have no pulse at all. Although the U.S. once had the biggest, richest middle class ever, fundamental changes in how giant corporations hire workers mean that the rich are not only getting richer, but everyone else is having to scrimp, save and compete with Third World laborers for work, according to The Business Insider as reported on
The “globalism” and “free trade” touted by business leaders and politicians actually turned out to be bad news for middle-class American workers. Now, workers in the U.S. find their jobs are going to people in poor countries who are willing to work 12-hour days for a dollar an hour. With the idea of hiring Third World help rather than U.S. citizens, giant corporations are saying sayonara to the U.S. at a startlingly speedy rate. And with no government penalties imposed if they jump ship, the incentive to stick around simply isn’t there, according to The Business Insider.
As proof of just how tough it is out there, consider these sobering stats:
- Some 83% of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1% of the people.
- Some 61% of Americans “always or usually” live paycheck to paycheck, up from 49% just two years ago.
- Some 36% of Americans say they aren’t contributing to their retirement savings, and 24% say they’ve delayed their planned retirement age in the past year.
For the first time ever in the history of this country, banks own a greater share of the residential housing network in America than all individual Americans combined.
Wondering just how rich the rich really are?
Average Wall Street bonuses for last year were up 17% from a year earlier, and the bottom half of all income earners in the country now collectively own under 1% of the nation’s wealth.
Among those out of work and looking for work, the news is dismal: It now takes an average of 35.2 weeks to find a job, and an ever larger percentage of Americans are finding work at low-paying service and retail jobs. Count about six unemployed Americans for each new job that opens up in the U.S. The simple truth: There just aren’t enough jobs to go around anymore.
Other than their work, Americans actually don’t have all that much to offer in the marketplace. U.S. workers are expensive to hire, they need benefits and the government continues to pass more rules and regulations that make conducting business here ever more onerous.
How are former middle-class workers getting by? For the first time in the history of this country, more than 40% of Americans are getting food stamps. And 21% of all children in America are living below the poverty line this year – the highest rate in two decades.
Labels: middle class, poverty
Users' personal information cannot now be made private, security consultant says
The personal details of 100 million Facebook users have been collected and published online in a downloadable file, meaning they will now be unable to make their publicly available information private.
However, Facebook downplayed the issue, saying that no private data had been compromised.
The information was posted by Ron Bowes, an online security consultant, on the Internet site Pirate Bay.
Bowes used code to scan the 500 million Facebook profiles for information not hidden by privacy settings. The resulting file, which allows people to perform searches of various different types, has been downloaded by several thousand people.
This means that if any of those on the list decide to change their privacy settings on Facebook, Bowes and those who have the file will still be able to access information that was public when it was compiled.
Bowes’ actions also mean people who had set their privacy settings so their names did not appear in Facebook’s search system can now be found if they were friends with anyone whose name was searchable...
[Full Article]
by Paul Craig Roberts
It was 2017. Clans were governing America.
The first clans organized around local police forces. The conservatives’ war on crime during the late 20th century and the Bush/Obama war on terror during the first decade of the 21st century had resulted in the police becoming militarized and unaccountable.
As society broke down, the police became warlords. The state police broke apart, and
the officers were subsumed into the local forces of their communities. The newly formed tribes expanded to encompass the relatives and friends of the police.
The dollar had collapsed as world reserve currency in 2012 when the worsening economic depression made it clear to Washington’s creditors that the federal budget deficit was too large to be financed except by the printing of money.
With the dollar’s demise, import prices skyrocketed. As Americans were unable to afford foreign-made goods, the transnational corporations that were producing offshore for US markets were bankrupted, further eroding the government’s revenue base.
The government was forced to print money in order to pay its bills, causing domestic prices to rise rapidly. Faced with hyperinflation, Washington took recourse in terminating Social Security and Medicare and followed up by confiscating the remnants of private pensions. This provided a one-year respite, but with no more resources to confiscate, money creation and hyperinflation resumed.
Organized food deliveries broke down when the government fought hyperinflation with fixed prices and the mandate that all purchases and sales had to be in US paper currency. Unwilling to trade appreciating goods for depreciating paper, goods disappeared from stores.
Washington responded as Lenin had done during the “war communism” period of Soviet history. The government sent troops to confiscate goods for distribution in kind to the population. This was a temporary stop-gap until existing stocks were depleted, as future production was discouraged. Much of the confiscated stocks became the property of the troops who seized the goods.
Goods reappeared in markets under the protection of local warlords. Transactions were conducted in barter and in gold, silver, and copper coins.
Other clans organized around families and individuals who possessed stocks of food, bullion, guns and ammunition. Uneasy alliances formed to balance differences in clan strengths. Betrayals quickly made loyalty a necessary trait for survival.
Large-scale food and other production broke down as local militias taxed distribution as goods moved across local territories. Washington seized domestic oil production and refineries, but much of the government’s gasoline was paid for safe passage across clan territories.
Most of the troops in Washington’s overseas bases were abandoned. As their resource stocks were drawn down, the abandoned soldiers were forced into alliances with those with whom they had been fighting.
Washington found it increasingly difficult to maintain itself. As it lost control over the country, Washington was less able to secure supplies from abroad as tribute from those Washington threatened with nuclear attack. Gradually other nuclear powers realized that the only target in America was Washington. The more astute saw the writing on the wall and slipped away from the former capital city.
When Rome began her empire, Rome’s currency consisted of gold and silver coinage. Rome was well organized with efficient institutions and the ability to supply troops in the field so that campaigns could continue indefinitely, a monopoly in the world of Rome’s time.
When hubris sent America in pursuit of overseas empire, the venture coincided with the offshoring of American manufacturing, industrial, and professional service jobs and the corresponding erosion of the government’s tax base, with the advent of massive budget and trade deficits, with the erosion of the fiat paper currency’s value, and with America’s dependence on foreign creditors and puppet rulers.
The Roman Empire lasted for centuries. The American one collapsed overnight.
Rome’s corruption became the strength of her enemies, and the Western Empire was overrun.
America’s collapse occurred when government ceased to represent the people and became the instrument of a private oligarchy. Decisions were made in behalf of short-term profits for the few at the expense of unmanageable liabilities for the many. Overwhelmed by liabilities, the government collapsed.
Globalism had run its course. Life reformed on a local basis.
Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary U.S. Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Columnist for Business Week, Senior Research Fellow Hoover Institution Stanford University, and William E. Simon Chair of Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, D.C.
Labels: Paul Craig Roberts
The Alex Jones Channel
July 27, 2010
Alex takes a call from Mike in texas about Austin Police officials being trained in Iraq for checkpoints back on the homefront.
Alex has done some checking and confirmed that this training is going on. Austin police trained with the army, all in an effort to fuel the secret takeover of America.
Brave Rifles recently teamed up with the Austin Police Department to train.…
“During the first week of training the APD was accompanied by a municipal judge and two attorneys from the Austin City Prosecutors’ Office. Some of the topics covered during the first week of training ranged from police ethics, crime scene investigation, case and courtroom preparation and collection of physical evidence.”
Labels: Austin, martial law, police, police state, Texas
FORT MEADE, Md. -- A draft environmental impact statement said that a project by the National Security Agency will bring 6,500 workers to the Fort Meade area, challenging the area's infrastructure.
The NSA statement said the planned expansion will cost at least $2 billion.
The project, called Site M, will include a 1.8 million-square-foot building on land at Fort Meade that is currently used by two golf courses.
While local officials said they are excited about the job growth and benefits to the local economy, they are also worried whether the county can accommodate the growth.
Roads, schools and other infrastructure could become congested, and Anne Arundel County officials said it does not have money for major projects.
Labels: Fort Meade, National Security Agency, NSA
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mexican Prison Guards Release Prisoners To Commit Murder
Mexico Prison Guards Let Killers Out, Lent Guns / CBS News
Mexican prosecutors say prison guards lent killers guns, let them out to carry out massacre / Fox News
Mexico: Prison guards let killers out, lent guns / Washington Post
Mexican officials: Prison inmates released to commit killings / CNN
Labels: Mexico, murder, prison
The B.C. Civil Liberties Association is demanding an explanation from the Vancouver Police Department after a surveillance video showed an officer pushing a disabled woman to the ground.
The video was taken at the beginning of the month on the sidewalk on Hastings Street, near the crowded United We Can recycling centre.
The woman, who has cerebral palsy, appears to brush an officer who is walking with two others.
The officer shoves the woman to the ground and the three stand over her before walking away, leaving her lying on the ground.
There is no sound on the video, so it's not known if the woman threatened the officers, but David Eby of the Civil Liberties Association says there appears to have been no reason for the shove.
"We imagine she would be hauled off and handcuffed if she said something threatening to the officers. It's clear that they didn't see grounds for arrest, but even if they did it is hard to imagine that the force that they used was appropriate.
"She looks like she weighs about 90 pounds in the video. She is clearly disabled," Eby said. "There was no need for any use of force."
Eby said such an incident wouldn't happen in Kerrisdale or Point Grey and it shouldn't happen in the Downtown Eastside.
The professional standards section of the Vancouver Police Department is investigating.
At a news conference Thursday afternoon, Const. Jana McGuinness said the officer has been on the force for little more than a year and is still out on patrol.
She said the officer reported the incident to his supervisor immediately, a move which initiated an investigation.
"Many of the answers are going to come from the investigation and we need to allow it to run its course. We recognize that those who view this video are going to find it unsettling and concerning," she said.
McGuinness said the officer apologized to the woman a short time after the incident, expressing regret for his action and for not helping her up.
Corrections and Clarifications
- The BCCLA originally said the woman had multiple sclerosis, but CBC News later learned from the woman that she has cerebral palsy.
Labels: British Columbia, police brutality
A Spanish farmer given the world’s first full facial transplant appeared in public for the first time Monday as he was discharged from the hospital to start a new life.
Oscar, 31, who did not reveal his full identity, was unable to eat, speak or breathe normally since he was disfigured in a gun accident in 2005. The operation four months ago has enabled him to eat soft foods, drink liquids and to shave again.
SLIDESHOW: Face Transplant Patient Goes Public
Appearing at a press conference at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona where he underwent surgery, he spoke with difficulty just two months after regaining his voice, “I am very happy and I want to thank the surgeons and the donors especially the man who gave me the new tissues I received.”...
Labels: face transplant, technology
Three current or former New Orleans police officers will be arraigned on charges they conspired to cover up deadly shootings of unarmed residents after Hurricane Katrina.
Sgt. Arthur Kaufman and retired Sgt. Gerard Dugue, who investigated the shootings, face federal charges including obstruction of justice. The indictment claims former officer Robert Faulcon shot Ronald Madison, a 40-year-old mentally disabled man, in the back as he ran away on the Danziger Bridge.
All three have initial court appearances scheduled for Tuesday.
Five former officers have pleaded guilty to participating in a cover-up of the shootings that killed two people and wounded four others less than a week after the 2005 storm. Three other officers have pleaded not guilty.
Labels: New Orleans, police
...9/11 remains the elephant in the room.
Via: Belfast Telegraph:
His obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist. Is he one? “I believe in facts about conspiracies,” he says, choosing his words slowly. “Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It’s important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there’s enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news.” What about 9/11? “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? “That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes.”...
[Full Article]Labels: 9/11, 9/11 Truth, Julian Paul Assange, WikiLeaks
Goldman Sachs sent $4.3 billion in federal tax money to 32 entities, including many overseas banks, hedge funds and pensions, according to information made public Friday night.
Goldman Sachs disclosed the list of companies to the Senate Finance Committee after a threat of subpoena from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Ia.
Asked the significance of the list, Grassley said, "I hope it's as simple as taxpayers deserve to know what happened to their money."
He added, "We thought originally we were bailing out AIG. Then later on ... we learned that the money flowed through AIG to a few big banks, and now we know that the money went from these few big banks to dozens of financial institutions all around the world."...
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Labels: bailout, Goldman Sachs
Last week Rep. Michelle Bachmann was asked what Republicans had in mind should they retake the House of Representatives this November, she replied “I think that all we should do is issue subpoenas and have one hearing after another and expose all the nonsense that is going on.”
Considering the sheer volume of illegal and impeachable offences committed by Obama and his cohorts over the past couple of years, the House will be very busy indeed.
Putting aside Obama’s inept leadership, weakening of our national defenses and transparent attempt to socialize our great nation, there are a number of more practical crimes that once investigated could lead to Obama’s impeachment and perhaps even his well deserved imprisonment...
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Labels: Barack Obama
Monday, July 26, 2010
- Release date
- July 25, 2010
25th July 2010 5:00 PM EST WikiLeaks has released a document set called the Afghan War Diary, an extraordinary compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010.
The reports, while written by soldiers and intelligence officers, and mainly describing lethal military actions involving the United States military, also include intelligence information, reports of meetings with political figures, and related details.
The document collection is available on a dedicated webpage.
The reports cover most units from the US Army with the exception of most US Special Forces' activities. The reports do not generally cover top secret operations or European and other ISAF Forces operations.
We have delayed the release of some 15,000 reports from the total archive as part of a harm minimization process demanded by our source. After further review, these reports will be released, with occasional redactions, and eventually in full, as the security situation in Afghanistan permits...
[Full Article]Labels: Afghanistan, documents, WikiLeaks
(CNN) -- As his website sparks debate about classified information and what the public should know, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange talked to Larry King Monday night about the more than 75,000 documents his site recently made public reportedly detailing U.S. war efforts in Afghanistan.
Assange said the documents could contain evidence of war crimes by U.S. forces.
"We see events that are very suspicious," Assange said. For example, "We see an incident in August 2006 where U.S. forces, in one report, kill 181 what they say are insurgents. There's one wounded and zero captured. Those sort of reports have sort of this flavor of a lot of people killed, but no people taken prisoner, and no people left wounded give a deeply suspicious feeling of what happened during these events."
In the end, Assange said, "it will take a court to really look at the full range of evidence to decide if a crime has occurred."...
[Full Article]Labels: Afghanistan, WikiLeaks
Abandon plans to penalize attorney whose clients challenged eligibility
Judges on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals suddenly have abandoned plans to assess damages against an attorney whose clients are challenging Barack Obama's eligibility to be president after he argued that if there was to be punishment, he would have the right to know whether the defendants could have mitigated their injury by publicly releasing Obama's birth documentation.
The decision came from Judge Dolores Sloviter in the Kerchner vs. Obama case handled by attorney Mario Apuzzo. The court had ordered Apuzzo to explain why defense costs shouldn't be assessed against him for the "frivolous" appeal.
However, her newest order denied Apuzzo's request to reconsider the case and stated "based on Mr. Apuzzo's explanation of his efforts to research the applicable law on standing, we hereby discharge the Order to Show Cause."
The case was filed against Obama, Congress and others just before Obama was sworn into office, arguing that Obama was a British subject and not a U.S. citizen.
See the movie Obama does not want you to see: Own the DVD that probes this unprecedented presidential-eligibility mystery!
"We further contend that Obama has failed to even conclusively prove that he is at least a 'citizen of the United States' under the Fourteenth Amendment as he claims by conclusively proving that he was born in Hawaii," the lawsuit claims...
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Labels: Barack Obama, birth certificate, eligibility
A police raid on a members-only grocery has devotees of unpasteurized dairy up in arms. In surveillance footage posted by the Los Angeles Times, four officers, with guns drawn, snaked through the aisles of Venice, California’s Rawsome Foods in search of outlaw raw cow and goat milk – which they found and confiscated...
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Labels: dairy, farms, food, police state
Corbett Report
You Tube
July 19, 2010
With a retrospective of the many calls for a “new 9/11″ on the MSM, including new calls to save the Obama Administration, it becomes clear who the real terrorists are.
SOURCES AND DOCUMENTATION:Shapiro says only new 9/11 can save Obama
2005 Leaked GOP Memo says only new 9/11 can save Bush
Arkansas GOP head says only new 9/11 can save Bush (2007)
Op Ed writer says only new 9/11 can save America (2007)
John Gibson interviews Stu Bykofsky
Rick Sanchez Thinks 74 Dead In African Bombing Is Helpful
Iran accuses US and UK of supporting group behind mosque attacks
Rigi Says CIA Offered to Help Jundullah
ABC News Says CIA Helping Jundullah
New Yorker Says CIA Helping Jundullah
NIST says releasing WTC7 model data will jeopardize public safety
NIST press briefing on collapse of WTC7
FBI Refuses To Confirm Identity Of 9/11 Planes
Armed Forces Institute Of Pathology: Pentagon & Shanksville 9/11 Records Exempt From Disclosure
U.S. Secret Service: 9/11 White House Visitor Logs Unavailable; Part Of National Archives
FBI is Arguing that 9/11 Records Are Exempt From FOIA
Labels: Corbett Report
July 21, 2010
Video shows a San Francisco police officer throwing a resisting suspect to the ground, apparently knocking her unconscious.
Labels: California, police brutality, San Francisco
Americans fighting the war in Afghanistan have long harbored strong suspicions that Pakistan’s military spy service has guided the Afghan insurgency with a hidden hand, even as Pakistan receives more than $1 billion a year from Washington for its help combating the militants, according to a trove of secret military field reports made public Sunday.
The documents, made available by an organization called WikiLeaks, suggest that Pakistan, an ostensible ally of the United States, allows representatives of its spy service to meet directly with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders...
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Labels: Inter-Services Intelligence, ISI, Pakistan, Taliban
BP was last night poised to boot out boss Tony Hayward - with a near £15MILLION pay-off.
The under-fire chief executive could go as early as today after being locked in talks over the weekend.
He will carry the can for the devastating oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico which has badly damaged BP's reputation in the US.

The cost of the disaster means the firm is expected tomorrow to reveal the biggest ever quarterly loss - almost £9BILLION - in UK corporate history. BP is to pay the US £13billion in compensation after four million barrels of oil spewed into the Gulf after a rig explosion in April.
Mr Hayward - slammed for his handling of the crisis - would be due a £1million salary pay-off, share options worth £2.7million and a £10.8million pension pot.
He is set to be replaced by US managing director Bob Dudley in the first step to a "Future BP". A huge restructuring could see the firm sell its refining operations and petrol stations to concentrate on finding oil and gas.
Mr Hayward was unavailable for comment last night. BP would say only that he "remains our chief executive and has the full support of the board and senior management". But his departure could be announced after a board meeting today.
Labels: BP, British Petroleum, Tony Hayward
WASHINGTON – A former CIA director says military action against Iran now seems more likely because no matter what the U.S. does diplomatically, Tehran keeps pushing ahead with its suspected nuclear program.
Michael Hayden, a CIA chief under President George W. Bush, says that during his tenure a strike was "way down the list" of options. But he tells CNN's "State of the Union" that such action now "seems inexorable."
He predicts Iran will build its program to the point where it's just below having an actual weapon. Hayden says that would be as destabilizing to the region as the real thing.
U.S. officials have said military action remains an option if sanctions fail to deter Iran.
Iran says its nuclear work is for peaceful purposes such as power generation...
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Labels: CIA, Michael Hayden
A few weeks ago, on his way to work, Matt Urick stopped to snap a few pictures of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's headquarters. He thought the building was ugly but might make for an interesting photo. The uniformed officer who ran up to him didn't agree. He told Urick he was not allowed to photograph federal buildings.
Urick wanted to tell the guard that there are pictures of the building on HUD's Web site, that every angle of the building is visible in street views on Google Maps and that he was merely an amateur photographer, not a threat. But Urick kept all this to himself.
(Examples of photos that got people in trouble with the police)
"A lot of these guys have guns and are enforcing laws they obviously don't understand, and they are not to be reasoned with," he said. After detaining Urick for a few minutes and conferring with a colleague on a radio, the officer let him go.
Courts have long ruled that the First Amendment protects the right of citizens to take photographs in public places. Even after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, law enforcement agencies have reiterated that right in official policies.
But in practice, those rules don't always filter down to police officers and security guards who continue to restrict photographers, often citing authority they don't have. Almost nine years after the terrorist attacks, which ratcheted up security at government properties and transportation hubs, anyone photographing federal buildings, bridges, trains or airports runs the risk of being seen as a potential terrorist...
[Full Article]Labels: 1st amendment, photos, police state
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Who Owns BP?
Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations
Norman Dodd was interviewed in 1982 by G. Edward Griffin regarding the time he spent as the head researcher for the Reece Committee.
This is a truly eye opening look into what the tax exempt foundations are doing in the United States - their attempt to merge the Soviet System of Government with the USA.
Labels: G. Edward Griffin, Norman Dodd, Reece Committee
WASHINGTON — Federal investigators have identified several dozen Pentagon officials and contractors with high-level security clearances who allegedly purchased and downloaded child pornography, including an undisclosed number who used their government computers to obtain the illegal material, according to investigative reports.
The investigations have included employees of the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency — which deal with some of the most sensitive work in intelligence and defense — among other organizations within the Defense Department...
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Labels: child porn, DARPA, Defense Department, Department of Defense, National Reconnaissance Office, NSA, Pentagon
When San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Murphy responded to a “shots fired” call in April 2008, he decided en route that he was going to make an arrest.
He did far more than that. Murphy and other deputies made an unwarranted entry into a home, and then into a locked gun safe. Murphy's uncensored, darkly disturbing observations and behavior following his Code-3 arrival at the rural home of longtime SLO County resident Matt Hart were picked up by Murphy's and other deputies’ own recorders. Those recordings provide a rare, frighteningly revealing, behind-the-scenes perspective of how one local law enforcement agency views the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and other laws its personnel are sworn to uphold.
Sheriff’s spinner Rob Bryn declined to confirm the identities of any of the deputies appearing or heard in the recordings, or to discuss any aspect of the Hart home invasion. So we've done that for you. (Bryn, ever the public servant, eventually stopped responding to e-mails from a reporter.)
Deputies’ deportment in the field as exhibited by their own words, as well as their plainly audible efforts to fabricate justifications for their actions, are lamentable. Local county prosecutors’ subsequent abuse of power, wielded in a cavalier, clumsy, and transparent effort to avoid a lawsuit, also is troubling.
But in the larger scheme of things, it is the systematic dismantling of the Fourth Amendment by over-zealous cops and an enabling judiciary that should be a cause of concern for every American citizen. Incredibly, Hart's case may be less of an anomaly than it appears.
The question is: Should law enforcement officers like Deputy Darren Murphy be allowed to make day-to-day, life-changing decisions regarding the fate of law-abiding citizens?
Watch. Listen. And then you be the judge.
SLO County Sheriff's deputies illegally search the home of Matt Hart and openly discuss how they will get away with it. To date, Matt Hart has not recieved all of his firearms back from the department, including one that the deputies expressed interest in owning.
This cannot be swept under the rug. Help spread this around to help gain attention so Mr. Hart can push his lawsuit against this blatant violation of his civil rights by those deputies. We cannot allow these people to shred the Constitution just because they feel like it.
Original video posted with permission from and Daniel Blackburn. Thank you again Mr. Blackburn.
Labels: 2nd amendment, 4th Amendment, Constitution, police, video
Alarms and safety mechanisms on gulf disaster oil rig were disabled, chief technician at Transocean reveals
Vital warning systems on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig were switched off at the time of the explosion in order to spare workers being woken by false alarms, a federal investigation has heard.
The revelation that alarm systems on the rig at the centre of the disaster were disabled – and that key safety mechanisms had also consciously been switched off – came in testimony by a chief technician working for Transocean, the drilling company that owned the rig.
Mike Williams, who was in charge of maintaining the rig's electronic systems, was giving evidence to the federal panel in New Orleans that is investigating the cause of the disaster on 20 April, which killed 11 people.
Williams told the hearing today that no alarms went off on the day of the explosion because they had been "inhibited". Sensors monitoring conditions on the rig and in the Macondo oil well beneath it were still working, but the computer had been instructed not to trigger any alarms in case of adverse readings...
[Full Article]Labels: BP, Deepwater Horizon, Gulf oil spill, Transocean
A Virginia man charged with providing material support to terrorists abroad appeared in court today requesting an attorney be appointed to him.
Zachary Chesser, 20, is accused of trying to join Al-Shabaab, a Somali-based Islamist militant group suspected in the recent bombing attacks in Uganda that left 73 dead and dozens more injured as they watched the World Cup final.
"I'm shocked—I'm just surprised," said Yvette Deale, Chesser's former neighbor. "It's not the kind of thing I would have expected in this neighborhood."
Chesser, who just two years ago was a high school football player and crew member in Fairfax, VA, is now one of 34 Americans accused of and charged with having ties to international terrorists in the past 18 months...
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Labels: home-grown, provocateur, terrorists, Zachary Chesser
North Korea has promised a "physical response" to joint US-South Korean military exercises this weekend.
The comments came as Asian foreign ministers met in Vietnam for a regional security forum.
The forum has been dominated by the crisis resulting from North Korea's alleged sinking of a South Korean warship in March.
The US has accused Pyongyang of "provocative" behaviour and on Wednesday announced new sanctions.
North Korea's delegation spokesman at the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) Regional Forum (ARF) in Hanoi said the military exercises - which begin on Sunday - were an example of 19th century "gunboat diplomacy"...
[Full Article]Labels: North Korea
Friday, July 23, 2010
Webster G. Tarpley
July 21, 2010
After about two and a half years during which the danger of war between the United States and Iran was at a relatively low level, this threat is now rapidly increasing. A pattern of political and diplomatic events, military deployments, and media chatter now indicates that Anglo-American ruling circles, acting through the troubled Obama administration, are currently gearing up for a campaign of bombing against Iran, combined with special forces incursions designed to stir up rebellions among the non-Persian nationalities of the Islamic Republic. Naturally, the probability of a new fake Gulf of Tonkin incident or false flag terror attack staged by the Anglo-American war party and attributed to Iran or its proxies is also growing rapidly.
The moment in the recent past when the US came closest to attacking Iran was August-September 2007, at about the time of the major Israeli bombing raid on Syria.1 This was the phase during which the Cheney faction in effect hijacked a fully loaded B-52 bomber equipped with six nuclear-armed cruise missiles, and attempted to take it to the Middle East outside of the command and control of the Pentagon, presumably to be used in a colossal provocation designed by the private rogue network for which Cheney was the visible face. A few days before the B-52 escaped control of legally constituted US authorities, a group of antiwar activists issued The Kennebunkport Warning of August 24-25, 2007, which had been drafted by the present writer.2 It was very significant that US institutional forces acted at that time to prevent the rogue B-52 from proceeding on its way towards the Middle East. The refusal to let the rogue B-52 take off reflected a growing consensus in the US military-intelligence community and the ruling elite in general that the Bush-Cheney-neocon policy of direct military aggression towards all comers had become counterproductive and very dangerous, running the risk of a terminal case of imperial overstretch.
A prominent spokesman for the growing disaffection with the neocons was Zbigniew Brzezinski, who had been a national security director in the Carter administration. Brzezinski argued that no more direct military attacks by the United States should be made for the time being, and that US policy should rather focus on playing off other states against each other, while the US remained somewhat aloof. Brzezinski’s model was always his own successful playing of the Soviet Union against Afghanistan in 1979, leading to the collapse of the Soviet empire a decade later. A centerpiece of Brzezinski’s argument was evidently the claim that color revolutions on the model of Ukraine 2004 were much a better tool than the costly and dangerous US bombing and US invasion always championed by the monomaniacal neocons. There was clearly an implication that Brzezinski could deliver a color revolution in Iran, as he had done in Ukraine.
Labels: Iran, Webster Tarpley
Senate Democrats pulled the plug on climate legislation Thursday, pushing the issue off into an uncertain future ahead of midterm elections where President Barack Obama’s party is girding for a drubbing.
Rather than a long-awaited measure capping greenhouse gases — or even a more limited bill directed only at electric utilities — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will move forward next week on a bipartisan energy-only bill that responds to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and contains other more popular energy items.
“It’s easy to count to 60,” Reid said. “I could do it by the time I was in eighth grade. My point is this, we know where we are. We know we don’t have the votes [for a bill capping emissions]. This is a step forward.”...
[Full Article]Labels: climate bill
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